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azure app service warm up

Hi, Our site takes some time to load and setting the warmup path and the status code fails my swap. For that I add the following section to the web.config file: The important attribute here is statusCodes which specifies that requests with status codes between 200 and 600 should be logged. Any ideas? Also notice that I can specify the host name to use for the warm up requests (this is optional and if not specified the “localhost” will be used as a host name). The webapp in the production slot should never restart.

This module is handy feature that allows you to warm your app prior to the application receiving requests to help avoid the dreaded cold-start or slow initial load times when the app is restarted. After warm up when the host names are swapped, what happens to the traffic that is currently in the production slot? The first warm up request is made to the web site. When I swap slots for a multi container webapp (using compose), I notice that the service is up, but the underlying containers haven’t started up. Common mistakes people run into and I’ll explain each one a little later: If your initialization page does some sort of redirect right away It can be enabled from Azure Portal: However, that will trace only failed requests., How to warm up Azure Web App during deployment slots swap, PreemptSdk with Application Insights and an App Service, Azure Web App/Function App Authentication and Authorization References, Accessing Graph API with an Azure Function through Impersonation, If your initialization page does some sort of Note that the warmup trigger is only called during scale-out operations, not during restarts or other non-scale startups.

For the cases when first request takes many seconds – do you see the prior warmup requests before that? Unexpected Error in Application: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions Just send me a private message here Powered by WordPress My example below consists of a simple php page that sleeps 10 seconds. I haven’t found an easy way to check if the underlying containers are up and then swap the slot.

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This indicates to me that the ApplySlotConfiguration will complete successfully before the sites are actually warmed up. Does anyone have a solution for this? Every deployment basically causes a brief outage while the containers start up. Even though the swap does not proceed until the restarted worker process comes back online on every VM instance, it may still not be enough for application to be completely ready to take on production traffic. However, if you prefer the swap to not proceed if the application fails to warm up then you can configure it by using these app settings: WEBSITE_SWAP_WARMUP_PING_PATH: The path to make the warm up request to. It maybe that the sitecore page that is hit during warmup does not involve executing the server side code?
Or maybe a way to fire an action on the replaced slot to inform SignalR clients to request a new connection?
In the add path section add in the specific warmup page. If there are any requests that are currently being processed by the site in production slot then will still complete. I don’t know if this is a dumb question, but before the sites are swapped, are the requests already made to the production slot allowed to complete? supports HTTP right now (I’ve created a feedback Note that we need to get those log files from the site in the production slot now. how about the files in the root folder will they also be swapped like the App_data folder under the wwwroot of both the webapp slots staging and prod. When all 5 cmds are completed successfully, we issue the cmd CompleteSlotSwap for all 5 sites async/in parallel. string.Empty : “:” + Request.Url.Port); But I suspect there might be a problem with this? Invoke-AzResourceAction -ResourceGroupName [resource group name] -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/slots -ResourceName [app name]/[slot name] -Action slotsswap -Parameters $ParametersObject -ApiVersion 2015-07-01. The first warm up request is made to the web site. Add this app setting by specifying a custom path that begins with a slash as the value.

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