If you’re making a large change, make lots of small pull requests if possible (they can be on the same bug) as it makes it easier to review. Now that BzAPI has been stable for some time, tools which earlier rejected using the /latest endpoint may want to reconsider.
This is very useful if you have an interest in a particular area of the project. Welcome to Bugzilla. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again.
The other winners will receive something a little less splendid, but I’m sure it’ll be worth having nevertheless. Fortunately, public meetings on the new platform are mirrored to Youtube, so you’ll be able to watch it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7OC8CXMGyo. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio, http://www.mycompany.com/bzkbanban/index.html. Version 7 came out in 2014 and its long support life See this tweet for graphical evidence. Chose one of the following options to use Bzkanban. I spent almost an hour trying to figure out how much bug numbers grow, and estimate the exponential components. Proprietary software solves them.
Almost never, but content changes? Anyone who meets those criteria can (and is encouraged to) enter, including Mozilla employees. Thanks to glob for doing the hard work on making this happen. Note:Make sure ImageMagick is up-to-date if the BmpConvert extension is enabled. That’s been working very well with CyberShadow’s changes. Therefore, there’s no point posting this to Slashdot or any other non-Mozilla-focussed news source.
If you’d prefer to run a copy of the bzkanban app from your local PC do the following: Clone this git repo (e.g. It is used this way on bugzilla.mozilla.org to allow Mozilla Corporation employees access to e.g. closed a week later. I always though that it did not because I did not look further than the “Email Preferences” tab. software repository for RHEL and CentOS but some of the modules concerned are Bugzilla 5.0.3 is our latest stable release. An experiment for making big changes with smaller commits on GitHub. (There will be an active landfill demo site, and people can look at the code as we go.) When you are installing on a Linux distribution, the UPDATE: After reading this blog post, Julia Evans (@bork), provided the following insights on why cd is implemented the way it is through an email.
There is a limit to the number of old versions we can support on the server, particularly as the older ones can put a larger load on Bugzilla. Next meeting is on Wednesday, May 2, at 9pm BST (UTC+1), 4pm EDT (UTC-4), 1pm PDT (UTC-7), Appoint note taker and get them editing the Etherpad, Dylan gave a walkthrough of the new roadmaps –, watch the meeting video recording for commentary (it’s good stuff! I have no idea why this is. For various reasons, IT never got around to building a production instance, and so over the last five years, I’ve been maintaining this core piece of Mozilla project infrastructure, which was depended on by TBPL and many, many other tools which interfaced with Bugzilla. Other strings which get linkified in the obvious manner are: A corollary here is that if you type one or more bug numbers in a comment, you should put the word “bug” before each of them, so they gets autolinkified for the convenience of others. While age has been kind to johnath, it has been less kind to his video, which now contains several screenshots and bits of dialogue which are out of date. What’s a system call? GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Once we're done with those, it will probably be time to do A picture is worth a thousand words. NEW, ASSIGNED, REOPENED, RESOLVED, CLOSED — or whatever your site has renamed them to) and of course each cards represents one bug. So, in the case of the problematic code above, something like: would end up overriding the already-validated login_name variable, giving the attacker control of the value used in the call to Bugzilla::User->create(). A search for ‘radio antenna’ just went down from 30+ seconds to just a few seconds.”. * It may be 6.0 if there are major and/or breaking changes. So that’s an error of about 0.95%. Total bugs fixed (RESOLVED/FIXED + VERFIED/FIXED): 412034, We think the earliest bug filed by someone who is still involved with Mozilla is. If feedback from this release candidate indicates that it is mostly stable, then Bugzilla 5.0 will be released in a few weeks. So, I present “Understanding Mozilla: Bugzilla“, an 8.5 minute introduction to Bugzilla as we use it here in the Mozilla project: Because it’s a Popcorn presentation, it can be remixed. (Update 2014-10-07 05:42 BST: to be clear, this pattern is most commonly used to add “all people in a particular company” to a group, using an email address regexp like .*@mozilla.com$. Membership of the Mozilla security group, which has access to unfixed vulnerabilities, is done on an individual basis and could not be obtained using this bug. Any sites upgrading from bzr.mozilla.org, Switch to pulling from bzr.bugzilla.org. The top condender for hosting right now is Linode.
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