Let's do the math according to the honey bee: Honey Nut Cheerios + Low-fat Diet = Lower Cholesterol = Reduced Risk of Heart Disease Unfortunately for the honey bee, there are some problems with his math. It is the perfect combination of real delicious honey and whole grain oats that makes heart health enjoyable. Cheerios Heart-Healthy Trail Mix. However, for the most nutritional benefits, choose cereals like Original Cheerios over Cheerios products with lots of added sugars. Cheerios are infamous for their heart healthy claims and for being low in saturated fat and cholesterol. The whole grain oats in Cheerios contain beta-glucan.
Tip. Ingredient List.
Right? Original Cheerios' nutrition features heart-healthy fiber, a variety of vitamins and minerals and just a single gram of sugar per cup. Heart-Healthy foods....discover the ingredients that help make Cheerios a great breakfast option. Unlike many other cereals, Cheerios can be considered healthy. 10 Minutes Prep 10 Minutes Total 14 Servings Kids craving crunch? The box says it's healthy, so it must be true.
I eat Cheerios because they’re heart healthy vine - YouTube Heart Healthy. Cheerios can be a healthy and nutritious part of almost any diet, but it’s important to balance your diet with other nutrients and practice moderation if you prefer the higher sugar varieties. 2. With Honey Nut Cheerios you have the best of both worlds.
Satisfy their sweet tooth with a good-for-you cereal treat to munch!
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