The percentage compressibility, also called as Carr’s Index 17 is 100 times the ratio of the difference between tapped density and bulk density to the tapped density. 2003;8:175–85. If the stress vector is purely compressive and has the same magnitude for all directions, the material is said to be under isotropic or hydrostatic compression at that point. On the other hand, certain building materials, such as brick and mortar, stone, or concrete, tend to be strong under compression but very weak under tension.…, …turns together to form a compression and then releasing them, allowing the compression to travel the length of the spring. When put under compression (or any other type of stress), every material will suffer some deformation, even if imperceptible, that causes the average relative positions of its atoms and molecules to change., All © 2020 are reserved by International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, This Journal licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Subscribe to YouTube Channel of SPSR 1992;81:976–82. Type B Heckel plots usually occur with harder materials with higher yield pressures which usually undergo compression by fragmentation first, to provide a denser packing. Where, h is the height of the heap formed when the powder is allowed to fall through a funnel and r is the radius of the heap calculated using graph paper.
The term is applied to the arrangement by which the exhaust valve of a steam engine is made to close, shutting a portion of the exhaust steam in the cylinder, before the stroke of the piston is quite complete. le matériau est dit être sous la normale de compression ou de pure contrainte de compression le long de The use of instrumentation in tableting research offers an in-depth understanding of physical process of tableting. {\displaystyle x} 1983; 72: 342–5. Mathematical models, force-time, force-distance, and die-wall force parameters of tablet manufacturing are used to describe work of compaction, elasticity/plasticity, and time dependent deformation behavior of pharmaceuticals powder under consideration. Moisture content of the blend also has a critical role in the energy involved in the compaction 26. μ1 = maximum axial frictional force/maximum radial force, μ2 = ejection force/residual die-wall force. , and the material may be under compression along some directions but under traction along others. The inherent deformation properties of the material, such as plastic, brittle or elastic also affect these tableting problems. En général, la relation entre la contrainte appliquée à un matériau et la déformation qui en résulte est un thème central de la mécanique des milieux continus. Dans un solide, la quantité de compression dépend en général de la direction
1977; 66: 510–9. 2005; 94: 465–72. Gohel MC, Jogani PD, "Exploration of melt granulation technique for the development of coprocessed directly compressible adjuvant containing lactose and microcrystalline cellulose" Pharm Dev Technol. 3: VARIOUS STEPS INVOLVED IN COMPRESSION OF A TABLET. II. To reduce this problem lettering should be as large as possible or tablet can be formulated in larger size 1. Antikainen O, Yliruusi J. Ferdinand Pierre Beer, Elwood Russell Johnston et John T. DeWolf,, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. "Compression of crystalline substances", J Amer Pharm Ass Sci Ed.
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