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Details of the analysis of the ingredients », yuka.SElBUk03c3QvcVEyeE1JKzJVM3A0OTU1K29HQWYzUG5MK2dLSVE9PQ, yuka.SElZNE01OHptY2dNb1BRdTJTalgxY0JJNkwrSEJEbVVNZElYSWc9PQ, yuka.UjZRak42VWxyUGcwbTh3QndBcm8xbzB2eDhQeFJ6aUtOZWhBSUE9PQ, yuka.UlBrU0dvZy9odDB3eC8xaitVN014Y3gxKzc2WFZISzFJT1ZNSVE9PQ, yuka.WDRRL1Rab0dtdElGb2YwVDF4WEp4TUl0N01TSEJYSzZKODh5SVE9PQ, yuka.WEk0UUx2d2N2TnNRbjhBOHcwckgwNE5yd29HRWQzNlhPOVVJSVE9PQ, yuka.WWFzNlM3b3F0OU1Ub3ZNNjhnMy9vWXB5bmJxVlhtZWROOUFmSVE9PQ, yuka.WkkwR0Y2b3J0K2drZ2RzVnB6M2IyT3hiM01TNUJVK0lDZFlKSVE9PQ, yuka.WmJFTUZLdGZoZHNWaE1kam9DL3M5OUVwNDhPTlIzenZjT1FnSVE9PQ, yuka.YTRFT1NQbFFvc0l3d3ZJMDhRSEl5NEpsd01UMVkzK1pNK2hLSVE9PQ, yuka.ZVAwUFFha2t1dU1NdWMwNzN3emIyc2xWOWFLN0FscW5ETlF5SVE9PQ, yuka.ZjZNNkU1a3FoK2t2bU1BYjNnNy8xdTlmbnNhaVlrK2NkL1FYSVE9PQ. It is made for all, by all, and it is funded by all. Comparison to average values of products in the same category: → Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category. Product added on September 22, 2016 at 4:17:00 PM CEST by openfoodfacts-contributors Add to Wish List. Facebook and You can help us recognize more ingredients and better analyze the list of ingredients for this product and others: If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. If the data is incomplete or incorrect, you can complete or correct it by editing this page. Typical jobs: shop assistant, teacher, chef/cook, bar worker, engineer. Product page also edited by beniben, foodrepo, gck0, inf, kiliweb, nouky20, roboto-app, scanbot, sebleouf, segundo, sto, thaialagata, youbaba, yuka.SElBUk03c3QvcVEyeE1JKzJVM3A0OTU1K29HQWYzUG5MK2dLSVE9PQ, yuka.SElZNE01OHptY2dNb1BRdTJTalgxY0JJNkwrSEJEbVVNZElYSWc9PQ, yuka.UjZRak42VWxyUGcwbTh3QndBcm8xbzB2eDhQeFJ6aUtOZWhBSUE9PQ, yuka.UlBrU0dvZy9odDB3eC8xaitVN014Y3gxKzc2WFZISzFJT1ZNSVE9PQ, yuka.WDRRL1Rab0dtdElGb2YwVDF4WEp4TUl0N01TSEJYSzZKODh5SVE9PQ, yuka.WEk0UUx2d2N2TnNRbjhBOHcwckgwNE5yd29HRWQzNlhPOVVJSVE9PQ, yuka.WWFzNlM3b3F0OU1Ub3ZNNjhnMy9vWXB5bmJxVlhtZWROOUFmSVE9PQ, yuka.WkkwR0Y2b3J0K2drZ2RzVnB6M2IyT3hiM01TNUJVK0lDZFlKSVE9PQ, yuka.WmJFTUZLdGZoZHNWaE1kam9DL3M5OUVwNDhPTlIzenZjT1FnSVE9PQ, yuka.YTRFT1NQbFFvc0l3d3ZJMDhRSEl5NEpsd01UMVkzK1pNK2hLSVE9PQ, yuka.ZVAwUFFha2t1dU1NdWMwNzN3emIyc2xWOWFLN0FscW5ETlF5SVE9PQ, yuka.ZjZNNkU1a3FoK2t2bU1BYjNnNy8xdTlmbnNhaVlrK2NkL1FYSVE9PQ. Thank you! Ambiguous barcode: … Crunchy Chocolate & Nut Muesli - Crownfield - 600 g. Barcode: 20201807. Open Food Facts is made by a non-profit association, independent from the industry. Work / Day Activity Level. Those elements are licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels. → The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods. Product added on April 8, 2014 at 1:30:09 PM CEST by openfoodfacts-contributors and the Facebook group for contributors Last edit of product page on September 19, 2020 at 7:48:14 PM CEST by kiliweb. The points for proteins are not counted because the negative points are greater or equal to 11. You can help us recognize more ingredients and better analyze the list of ingredients for this product and others: If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Muesli complet avec morceaux de chocolat noir et de chocolat au lait. Ingredients analysis: Flocons d'_avoine_ 41%, sucre, pépites de chocolat 11% (pâte de cacao, sucre, matière grasse lactique (_lait_), émulsifiant (lécithine de tournesol)), billes extrudées de maïs et de riz (semoule de maïs, farine de _blé_, semoule de riz, sucre, sel), huile de palme, pétales de maïs (farine de maïs, sucre, sel, malt d'_orge_, émulsifiant (lécithine de tournesol)), sirop de glucose, farine de riz, farine de _blé_ 2.2%, _amandes_ 2%, malt d'_orge_, _noisettes_ 1%, miel, sel, arôme naturel de vanille, arôme naturel, cannelle, Details of the calculation of the Nutri-Score ». I have already donated or I'm not interested.

Hide the banner. Thank you! Add to Cart ... BIO Organic crunchy chocolate muesli Crownfield, UTZ certified cocoaNutrition Information &nbs.. € 6.69. Substances or products causing allergies or intolerances: → The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods. Ingredients analysis: Super Weekend 59p cake.pricebox.originalPrice. Open Food Facts gathers information and data on food products from around the world.

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