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finger millet introduction

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The inter cultivation and weeding should be done with hand hoe after 4 weeks of sowing. Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. For symptoms and control measures, talk to the technical person in your local horticulture department. It thrives best in the areas where annual rainfall is about 100 cm. For transplanted crop, it may require 4 to 5 kg/ha with a spacing of 25 cm x 15 cm. Manures and Fertilizers for  Finger Millet Crop:- Please see the land preparation for farmyard manure (FMY) requirement. 1979. is an important subsistence cereal in parts of Africa and south Asia. This is super healthy! If the seedlings are grown on nursery beds, 3 weeks old seedlings can be transplanted in the main field. The total production and average yield is 8916 mt and 1.28 mt/ha respectively. Interesting crop characteristics of finger millet are the ability to withstand cultivation at altitudes over 2000 meters above sea level. Irrigation for Finger Millet Crop:- First irrigation should be carried out on the day of transplanting. It is a very good source of natural Iron and consumption helps in the condition of Anaemia. Finger Millet has anti aging properties, hence may revert skin aging. Heavy clay soils with poor water drainage should be avoided. Bottom Line of Finger Millet Farming:-  With best crop management practices and minimal investment, one can expect good returns. […] have evidently been declining slowly over the last 20 years, but it is still a major crop. Intercultural Operations of Finger Millet Crop:-. Control Measures :- Early planting during Maha season, :- Use of recommended nitragen fertilizer levels, :- Removal and destruction of dead heart at initial stage of infestation, :- Plough the field immediately after harvest to kill larvae and pupae, :-Thiodicarb 375 SC - 20ml /10l of water, :- Bluish green Aphids colonies present on the central leaf whorl and ears, Control measures :- Destroy crop debris after harvesting, :- Thiamethoxan 25 WG - 3g / l0l of water, :- Imidaclopid 70 WG - 1.3g/10l of water, Causal organism - Pyricularia grisea (Magnapothe grisea), Losses -: Heavy blast damages could be observed specially during Maha season in dry and intermediate zone of Sri Lanka under heavy rainfall conditions. Mark rows 75 cm apart across each tier, perpendicular to the length of the field, giving rows of at least 4 m long or more, depending on the width of the plot. 7 years ago Introduction. World Top 10 Production Countries of Millet:- The following are leading countries of millet production.

Plant Resources of South-East Asia, No. For best results, eating flour made out of ragi sprouts is recommended. Quarterly Journal of Crude Drug Research 17:91–110. Label each accession with a tag fastened to a stake about knee height. Did you make this project? Land Preparation in Finger Millet Farming:- The land preparation is different for rainfed and irrigated conditions. Introduction of Finger Millet Cultivation:- Finger millet is one of the important staple food crops mainly grown in Africa and India. It has distinguished health beneficial properties, such as anti-diabetic (type 2 diabetes mellitus), anti-diarrheal, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, antitumerogenic (K562 chronic myeloid leukemia), atherosclerogenic effects, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Key access and utilization descriptors for finger millet genetic resources. planting from left to right in the first row followed by right to left in the second row or vice versa). Weed control Millet seedlings are slow growing and require a weed free environment up to 45 days to develop vigorous plants. pravastatin, lovastatin, monacolin J, pravastatin and mevastatin known as monacolins. by clicking on the picture above (0.3MB), Also available in the following languages: CGIAR System-wide Genetic Resource Programme, Rome, Italy.

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