If you want to access it externally you will need to set it up on IIS as mentioned above, setup the port forwarding on your router to forward port 80 to your internal computers ip address and if your internet connection doesn't have a static IP you might need to setup dynamic DNS. 01:25 AM Open Bindings on the right panel under Actions tab add these bindings: Local: HTTP Error 503. Be careful when changing Firewall setting otherwise you may leave your PC vulnerable to online attacks. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. I want to access the hosted website from my public IP, Just like its working on my local network. Did Apollo have braking rockets for soft landing on Earth? 01:26 AM. Only use ports in non standard range (preferably after 9000). Why does 60 Hz mean 60 refreshes and not 120? http://blogs.technet.com/b/chrad/archive/2010/01/24/understanding-iis-bindings-websites-virtual-directories-and-lastly-application-pools.aspx, How Stackers ditched the wiki and migrated to Articles, Hot Meta Posts: Allow for removal by moderators, and thoughts about future…, Goodbye, Prettify. Would fishing wire work for strings on an electric guitar? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. How do I define functionals in Mathematica? I installed IIS on a laptop (win 7 professional 64 bit).
Go to Start → Administrative Tools → Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager . I hosted a web site on IIS (Windows 7 Professional) running on port 81 because I have Apachi installed on port 80. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. in firewall create an exception for that port allowing all incoming traffic to it, Make sure it's not listening on a specific IP address. Find out more about the Microsoft MVP Award Program. Sensor to distinguish between different types of pegs on a pegboard. You would need to open port 80 on your firewall/router to go to the address of this PC. Click Next. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. If this is the only web site on the computer, "All unassigned" should suffice. ( I am not a network / web guy so this is out of my scope ). Basic knowledge of website hosting on IIS.
2. (TCP) 3) World Wide Web Services are enabled from "Turn Windows Featured On or Off". Connect and engage across your organization. thank you. Scroll down to "World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In)" where the Profile is "Domain".
Thanks for marking this as the answer. Pluralization of [ the apple of ones’ eye]. Well, you'd mess up your Remote desktop ability, and would have to disable that or change its port first. But i am unable to access it from Internet( My public IP). In my case, I will put down my website name for easy reference later. (Not the HTTPS one, further down.) Once it is working, have a look in the IIS logs for the website to check what IP address requests come in on and refine the binding/add another one. Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter, Access my IIS externally without port forwarding (port 80), Permission issue while accessing Share from IIS. About the dual of the cube lemma in homotopy theory. I bought a WiFi modem and connected to the lap (now lap is disconnected from LAN). Try it in your browser to make sure it works. Please tell me that how could I access it from outside. Windows 10 PC with IIS installed.
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