/r/rpg is for meaningful discussions, questions, and help related to tabletop/pen & paper role-playing games(TTRPGs). Cuz I don't roll for mine so thoughts.

In a moment of irrationality I handed my player a contraband "Chrono-grenade," and then gave them the opportunity to decide for themselves what it did, within reason (I offered them this option in exchange for their Laser Feelings). Things I noticed: it's INCREDIBLY free-flow, which is awesome but also lets the absurd happen. I think I like that better.

Feeling comfortable playing tournament golf. We had it come up a LOT when we played "by the books," but that was likely a quirk of probability. I can think of a few things to help combat this: Introducing a time element: this can either be something like an egg timer which signifies a pause in the scene, or a +1 bonus reward for players who complete their scene within a set time (perhaps two minutes?). We also picked up two 3 dollar bottles of wine (for 3 friends) and some beer and kicked up the chip-tune sci-fi tunes up loud.

It's a fun game but for more serious adventures, eclipse phase or other sci-fi rulesets do a better job.

Control T Font Size; Logo: Nav Content: List: Menu: Theme. "You'll definitely need to destroy his cloning facility on Cynokk 7, or he'll just keep coming back.". For Initiative I just go around the table then enplane how the NPC react to the PC's actions. Great, now I have that song stuck in my head again. Check it out! I don't bother rolling for NPCs myself. Lasers and Feelings was created by the inimitable John Harper, who we’ve mentioned previously in our discussion on Lady Blackbird. I've run 2 games so far and none of them have been the L&F theme, we played Swords & Scrolls and Caps & Cowles, I found that when my PC's rolled LF they would try and figure out what question would benefit them the most, but there were draw backs when they asked "how do we kill the thing" or "how can we win" but for the most part really good stuff comes from the questions. I should also mention that while I am mostly talking about flaws with this system, I actually do enjoy it a lot! It's a great beer-and-pretzels game that'll be a lot of fun but for more 'serious' games, you're gonna run into a lot of problems. Interested. It was a great time with much Trekking and much Warring had by all. I decided to houserule that each player can only activate their Laser Feelings once per game. Let me know what your experiences have been with this game! Awesome! Over the course of a game Laser Feelings occurs far to frequently for my tastes.

Then again, feel free to change it if it doesn't suit your style of game. In response to your comment about initiative: I'm not familiar with DW (unfortunately, as I hear great things), but is it basically that the GM is just pointing to people when they haven't acted recently and engages them? I don't think it's a game where you should feel that something is "too powerful". Thanks. (Highlights include the acting captain - Ace Spacehead - plummeting naked to the surface of an ancient space ruin, one of our three doctors setting fire to the parliament buildings, and the Blerg mole setting fire to the Raptor in a final moment of glory before being vented into space). Otherwise they keep their roll and treat it as a normal outcome. It's supposed to be a place where broken, absurd things can happen.
Also providing the players with loaded or intentionally obscure answers might help to make things interesting. I do like the suggestion of letting the player decide whether they want to choose LF or consider it a success. Could you make it d10 based instead of d6?

I played a game of LF with some friends, a SHIT ton of generators (universe, world, and person generators), and played it incredibly by ear. Yeah, combat wound up being kind of weird.

So, here we go: The Original. Introducing this lovely, one-page character sheet for your Lasers & Feelings characters.. Get your game up and running EVEN faster. It was a great time with much Trekking and much Warring had by all. Part 1: Nacelle Hell (Ep 14) - A threat… the Hive Armada wants to… steal/capture the… void crystals which will… start a war/invasion! This is an ultra-light superhero game based on Lasers & Feelings. It became almost a frustration for players as they tried to come up with something relevant to ask, not wanting to squander the opportunity. Once all the cards are flipped you turn them over and run through them again. Count me in, I'll be back in a bit with my character. Combat was awkward as hell, I broke it into sections like D&D where you had 6s or 10s intervals of attacking/acting (depending on what's happening).

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Cookies help us deliver our Services. It turned out okay, but only because the party was mostly already dead at this point and we were all happy to wind things down.
How Do Magic Fruity Pebbles Work, Nike Air Max 200, How To Earn Money, Angel Eyes Jazz, Roz Scrabble, How The North-south Divide Can Be Reduced, 860 Live, Mobile Device Management Sample Resume, High Heel Sneakers Rolling Stones Chords, Sin Create Meaning In Bengali, Driving Directions To Lubbock Texas, Shane Teoh Tpg, Training Plan Template Excel, Sharepoint Site Refused To Connect, Popular Cereals Of The 70s, Christina Vidal Grand Hotel, Summer Solstice Quotes 2020, Top Radio Stations In Chicago 2020, Allison Harvard Eye Condition, Gülü Soldurmam Indir, Things To Do In Lincoln, Streets Of Edinburgh, How To Make Marshmallow Cornflake Cakes, Mastering Excel Power Query Pdf, 2020 Olympics Women's Gymnastics Team, Kroger Rice Bitz Cereal, Times Crossword App, Edwin Starr Cause Of Death, What Is The Importance Of Ddr, " />
/r/rpg is for meaningful discussions, questions, and help related to tabletop/pen & paper role-playing games(TTRPGs). Cuz I don't roll for mine so thoughts.

In a moment of irrationality I handed my player a contraband "Chrono-grenade," and then gave them the opportunity to decide for themselves what it did, within reason (I offered them this option in exchange for their Laser Feelings). Things I noticed: it's INCREDIBLY free-flow, which is awesome but also lets the absurd happen. I think I like that better.

Feeling comfortable playing tournament golf. We had it come up a LOT when we played "by the books," but that was likely a quirk of probability. I can think of a few things to help combat this: Introducing a time element: this can either be something like an egg timer which signifies a pause in the scene, or a +1 bonus reward for players who complete their scene within a set time (perhaps two minutes?). We also picked up two 3 dollar bottles of wine (for 3 friends) and some beer and kicked up the chip-tune sci-fi tunes up loud.

It's a fun game but for more serious adventures, eclipse phase or other sci-fi rulesets do a better job.

Control T Font Size; Logo: Nav Content: List: Menu: Theme. "You'll definitely need to destroy his cloning facility on Cynokk 7, or he'll just keep coming back.". For Initiative I just go around the table then enplane how the NPC react to the PC's actions. Great, now I have that song stuck in my head again. Check it out! I don't bother rolling for NPCs myself. Lasers and Feelings was created by the inimitable John Harper, who we’ve mentioned previously in our discussion on Lady Blackbird. I've run 2 games so far and none of them have been the L&F theme, we played Swords & Scrolls and Caps & Cowles, I found that when my PC's rolled LF they would try and figure out what question would benefit them the most, but there were draw backs when they asked "how do we kill the thing" or "how can we win" but for the most part really good stuff comes from the questions. I should also mention that while I am mostly talking about flaws with this system, I actually do enjoy it a lot! It's a great beer-and-pretzels game that'll be a lot of fun but for more 'serious' games, you're gonna run into a lot of problems. Interested. It was a great time with much Trekking and much Warring had by all. I decided to houserule that each player can only activate their Laser Feelings once per game. Let me know what your experiences have been with this game! Awesome! Over the course of a game Laser Feelings occurs far to frequently for my tastes.

Then again, feel free to change it if it doesn't suit your style of game. In response to your comment about initiative: I'm not familiar with DW (unfortunately, as I hear great things), but is it basically that the GM is just pointing to people when they haven't acted recently and engages them? I don't think it's a game where you should feel that something is "too powerful". Thanks. (Highlights include the acting captain - Ace Spacehead - plummeting naked to the surface of an ancient space ruin, one of our three doctors setting fire to the parliament buildings, and the Blerg mole setting fire to the Raptor in a final moment of glory before being vented into space). Otherwise they keep their roll and treat it as a normal outcome. It's supposed to be a place where broken, absurd things can happen.
Also providing the players with loaded or intentionally obscure answers might help to make things interesting. I do like the suggestion of letting the player decide whether they want to choose LF or consider it a success. Could you make it d10 based instead of d6?

I played a game of LF with some friends, a SHIT ton of generators (universe, world, and person generators), and played it incredibly by ear. Yeah, combat wound up being kind of weird.

So, here we go: The Original. Introducing this lovely, one-page character sheet for your Lasers & Feelings characters.. Get your game up and running EVEN faster. It was a great time with much Trekking and much Warring had by all. Part 1: Nacelle Hell (Ep 14) - A threat… the Hive Armada wants to… steal/capture the… void crystals which will… start a war/invasion! This is an ultra-light superhero game based on Lasers & Feelings. It became almost a frustration for players as they tried to come up with something relevant to ask, not wanting to squander the opportunity. Once all the cards are flipped you turn them over and run through them again. Count me in, I'll be back in a bit with my character. Combat was awkward as hell, I broke it into sections like D&D where you had 6s or 10s intervals of attacking/acting (depending on what's happening).

To use this page javascript will have to be enabled.

Cookies help us deliver our Services. It turned out okay, but only because the party was mostly already dead at this point and we were all happy to wind things down.
How Do Magic Fruity Pebbles Work, Nike Air Max 200, How To Earn Money, Angel Eyes Jazz, Roz Scrabble, How The North-south Divide Can Be Reduced, 860 Live, Mobile Device Management Sample Resume, High Heel Sneakers Rolling Stones Chords, Sin Create Meaning In Bengali, Driving Directions To Lubbock Texas, Shane Teoh Tpg, Training Plan Template Excel, Sharepoint Site Refused To Connect, Popular Cereals Of The 70s, Christina Vidal Grand Hotel, Summer Solstice Quotes 2020, Top Radio Stations In Chicago 2020, Allison Harvard Eye Condition, Gülü Soldurmam Indir, Things To Do In Lincoln, Streets Of Edinburgh, How To Make Marshmallow Cornflake Cakes, Mastering Excel Power Query Pdf, 2020 Olympics Women's Gymnastics Team, Kroger Rice Bitz Cereal, Times Crossword App, Edwin Starr Cause Of Death, What Is The Importance Of Ddr, " />
/r/rpg is for meaningful discussions, questions, and help related to tabletop/pen & paper role-playing games(TTRPGs). Cuz I don't roll for mine so thoughts.

In a moment of irrationality I handed my player a contraband "Chrono-grenade," and then gave them the opportunity to decide for themselves what it did, within reason (I offered them this option in exchange for their Laser Feelings). Things I noticed: it's INCREDIBLY free-flow, which is awesome but also lets the absurd happen. I think I like that better.

Feeling comfortable playing tournament golf. We had it come up a LOT when we played "by the books," but that was likely a quirk of probability. I can think of a few things to help combat this: Introducing a time element: this can either be something like an egg timer which signifies a pause in the scene, or a +1 bonus reward for players who complete their scene within a set time (perhaps two minutes?). We also picked up two 3 dollar bottles of wine (for 3 friends) and some beer and kicked up the chip-tune sci-fi tunes up loud.

It's a fun game but for more serious adventures, eclipse phase or other sci-fi rulesets do a better job.

Control T Font Size; Logo: Nav Content: List: Menu: Theme. "You'll definitely need to destroy his cloning facility on Cynokk 7, or he'll just keep coming back.". For Initiative I just go around the table then enplane how the NPC react to the PC's actions. Great, now I have that song stuck in my head again. Check it out! I don't bother rolling for NPCs myself. Lasers and Feelings was created by the inimitable John Harper, who we’ve mentioned previously in our discussion on Lady Blackbird. I've run 2 games so far and none of them have been the L&F theme, we played Swords & Scrolls and Caps & Cowles, I found that when my PC's rolled LF they would try and figure out what question would benefit them the most, but there were draw backs when they asked "how do we kill the thing" or "how can we win" but for the most part really good stuff comes from the questions. I should also mention that while I am mostly talking about flaws with this system, I actually do enjoy it a lot! It's a great beer-and-pretzels game that'll be a lot of fun but for more 'serious' games, you're gonna run into a lot of problems. Interested. It was a great time with much Trekking and much Warring had by all. I decided to houserule that each player can only activate their Laser Feelings once per game. Let me know what your experiences have been with this game! Awesome! Over the course of a game Laser Feelings occurs far to frequently for my tastes.

Then again, feel free to change it if it doesn't suit your style of game. In response to your comment about initiative: I'm not familiar with DW (unfortunately, as I hear great things), but is it basically that the GM is just pointing to people when they haven't acted recently and engages them? I don't think it's a game where you should feel that something is "too powerful". Thanks. (Highlights include the acting captain - Ace Spacehead - plummeting naked to the surface of an ancient space ruin, one of our three doctors setting fire to the parliament buildings, and the Blerg mole setting fire to the Raptor in a final moment of glory before being vented into space). Otherwise they keep their roll and treat it as a normal outcome. It's supposed to be a place where broken, absurd things can happen.
Also providing the players with loaded or intentionally obscure answers might help to make things interesting. I do like the suggestion of letting the player decide whether they want to choose LF or consider it a success. Could you make it d10 based instead of d6?

I played a game of LF with some friends, a SHIT ton of generators (universe, world, and person generators), and played it incredibly by ear. Yeah, combat wound up being kind of weird.

So, here we go: The Original. Introducing this lovely, one-page character sheet for your Lasers & Feelings characters.. Get your game up and running EVEN faster. It was a great time with much Trekking and much Warring had by all. Part 1: Nacelle Hell (Ep 14) - A threat… the Hive Armada wants to… steal/capture the… void crystals which will… start a war/invasion! This is an ultra-light superhero game based on Lasers & Feelings. It became almost a frustration for players as they tried to come up with something relevant to ask, not wanting to squander the opportunity. Once all the cards are flipped you turn them over and run through them again. Count me in, I'll be back in a bit with my character. Combat was awkward as hell, I broke it into sections like D&D where you had 6s or 10s intervals of attacking/acting (depending on what's happening).

To use this page javascript will have to be enabled.

Cookies help us deliver our Services. It turned out okay, but only because the party was mostly already dead at this point and we were all happy to wind things down.
How Do Magic Fruity Pebbles Work, Nike Air Max 200, How To Earn Money, Angel Eyes Jazz, Roz Scrabble, How The North-south Divide Can Be Reduced, 860 Live, Mobile Device Management Sample Resume, High Heel Sneakers Rolling Stones Chords, Sin Create Meaning In Bengali, Driving Directions To Lubbock Texas, Shane Teoh Tpg, Training Plan Template Excel, Sharepoint Site Refused To Connect, Popular Cereals Of The 70s, Christina Vidal Grand Hotel, Summer Solstice Quotes 2020, Top Radio Stations In Chicago 2020, Allison Harvard Eye Condition, Gülü Soldurmam Indir, Things To Do In Lincoln, Streets Of Edinburgh, How To Make Marshmallow Cornflake Cakes, Mastering Excel Power Query Pdf, 2020 Olympics Women's Gymnastics Team, Kroger Rice Bitz Cereal, Times Crossword App, Edwin Starr Cause Of Death, What Is The Importance Of Ddr, " />
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I have to say over all its been really fun.

So when you say reconstructive silver age I hear 50s-60s not familiar with ASTRO city, am I way off base here? Your d10 idea is a good idea and I think low party-size is good. You must log in or register to reply here.
Making a "single split" rule. I think I would cap it off at four. I think I like your system better. 2020 US Open model and fantasy golf rankings.

/r/rpg is for meaningful discussions, questions, and help related to tabletop/pen & paper role-playing games(TTRPGs). Cuz I don't roll for mine so thoughts.

In a moment of irrationality I handed my player a contraband "Chrono-grenade," and then gave them the opportunity to decide for themselves what it did, within reason (I offered them this option in exchange for their Laser Feelings). Things I noticed: it's INCREDIBLY free-flow, which is awesome but also lets the absurd happen. I think I like that better.

Feeling comfortable playing tournament golf. We had it come up a LOT when we played "by the books," but that was likely a quirk of probability. I can think of a few things to help combat this: Introducing a time element: this can either be something like an egg timer which signifies a pause in the scene, or a +1 bonus reward for players who complete their scene within a set time (perhaps two minutes?). We also picked up two 3 dollar bottles of wine (for 3 friends) and some beer and kicked up the chip-tune sci-fi tunes up loud.

It's a fun game but for more serious adventures, eclipse phase or other sci-fi rulesets do a better job.

Control T Font Size; Logo: Nav Content: List: Menu: Theme. "You'll definitely need to destroy his cloning facility on Cynokk 7, or he'll just keep coming back.". For Initiative I just go around the table then enplane how the NPC react to the PC's actions. Great, now I have that song stuck in my head again. Check it out! I don't bother rolling for NPCs myself. Lasers and Feelings was created by the inimitable John Harper, who we’ve mentioned previously in our discussion on Lady Blackbird. I've run 2 games so far and none of them have been the L&F theme, we played Swords & Scrolls and Caps & Cowles, I found that when my PC's rolled LF they would try and figure out what question would benefit them the most, but there were draw backs when they asked "how do we kill the thing" or "how can we win" but for the most part really good stuff comes from the questions. I should also mention that while I am mostly talking about flaws with this system, I actually do enjoy it a lot! It's a great beer-and-pretzels game that'll be a lot of fun but for more 'serious' games, you're gonna run into a lot of problems. Interested. It was a great time with much Trekking and much Warring had by all. I decided to houserule that each player can only activate their Laser Feelings once per game. Let me know what your experiences have been with this game! Awesome! Over the course of a game Laser Feelings occurs far to frequently for my tastes.

Then again, feel free to change it if it doesn't suit your style of game. In response to your comment about initiative: I'm not familiar with DW (unfortunately, as I hear great things), but is it basically that the GM is just pointing to people when they haven't acted recently and engages them? I don't think it's a game where you should feel that something is "too powerful". Thanks. (Highlights include the acting captain - Ace Spacehead - plummeting naked to the surface of an ancient space ruin, one of our three doctors setting fire to the parliament buildings, and the Blerg mole setting fire to the Raptor in a final moment of glory before being vented into space). Otherwise they keep their roll and treat it as a normal outcome. It's supposed to be a place where broken, absurd things can happen.
Also providing the players with loaded or intentionally obscure answers might help to make things interesting. I do like the suggestion of letting the player decide whether they want to choose LF or consider it a success. Could you make it d10 based instead of d6?

I played a game of LF with some friends, a SHIT ton of generators (universe, world, and person generators), and played it incredibly by ear. Yeah, combat wound up being kind of weird.

So, here we go: The Original. Introducing this lovely, one-page character sheet for your Lasers & Feelings characters.. Get your game up and running EVEN faster. It was a great time with much Trekking and much Warring had by all. Part 1: Nacelle Hell (Ep 14) - A threat… the Hive Armada wants to… steal/capture the… void crystals which will… start a war/invasion! This is an ultra-light superhero game based on Lasers & Feelings. It became almost a frustration for players as they tried to come up with something relevant to ask, not wanting to squander the opportunity. Once all the cards are flipped you turn them over and run through them again. Count me in, I'll be back in a bit with my character. Combat was awkward as hell, I broke it into sections like D&D where you had 6s or 10s intervals of attacking/acting (depending on what's happening).

To use this page javascript will have to be enabled.

Cookies help us deliver our Services. It turned out okay, but only because the party was mostly already dead at this point and we were all happy to wind things down.

How Do Magic Fruity Pebbles Work, Nike Air Max 200, How To Earn Money, Angel Eyes Jazz, Roz Scrabble, How The North-south Divide Can Be Reduced, 860 Live, Mobile Device Management Sample Resume, High Heel Sneakers Rolling Stones Chords, Sin Create Meaning In Bengali, Driving Directions To Lubbock Texas, Shane Teoh Tpg, Training Plan Template Excel, Sharepoint Site Refused To Connect, Popular Cereals Of The 70s, Christina Vidal Grand Hotel, Summer Solstice Quotes 2020, Top Radio Stations In Chicago 2020, Allison Harvard Eye Condition, Gülü Soldurmam Indir, Things To Do In Lincoln, Streets Of Edinburgh, How To Make Marshmallow Cornflake Cakes, Mastering Excel Power Query Pdf, 2020 Olympics Women's Gymnastics Team, Kroger Rice Bitz Cereal, Times Crossword App, Edwin Starr Cause Of Death, What Is The Importance Of Ddr,