This means that different producers and stores can use the same barcode for different products. Sans huile de palme Vous pouvez soutenir notre travail en donnant à Open Food Facts et aussi en utilisant le moteur de recherche Lilo.Merci beaucoup !
This product is not considered a beverage for the calculation of the Nutri-Score. € 1.45 Other attractive products.
Special Flakes Red Berries - Lidl Northern Ireland. Une base de données collaborative, libre et ouverte des produits alimentaires du monde entier. Hide the banner.
Open Food Facts gathers information and data on food products from around the world. Fitness Goals : Heart Healthy. Ingredients analysis: Facebook and Ingrédients, allergènes, additifs, composition nutritionnelle, labels, origine des ingrédients et informations du produit Special flakes - Red berries - Crownfield - 425 g Palm oil free
Fat 66g.
Details of the analysis of the ingredients », yuka.A7B4OoCnM9QdOcuIytwV4Be4FuDGXeN6OG9Tog, yuka.AYlfAfCpJ914H9zs9aNq-D-FFP_BIvNhP1hQog, yuka.AbxuPP2AR_EqJfP-wNk-zQGwCcXtJ6YHIXMDog, yuka.Cu1sIvTRBN05P8fw95IKhACKEOLyPs1eP3tWow, yuka.DelyZcaNT9V4RsGO0Kwz_mnhMNb8Jq9nCFsEog, yuka.EKxwN-W6R-x_OPfD6NobhAiCKurHWMcCA0ACoQ, yuka.ELFBLM-kP_R5P8D0-o4Y1jWeNby7PcFkGFkNog, yuka.F-gbF8C1HM4dMd399qcJgjeXDdz8CfNaRUUUog, yuka.HLRfHvmpG-F5JMOL6aQG-BScOt38WaZjKVELog, yuka.IbBFMtSwHcY4NsX73qQa9zOHCrjnGs5hJSA0og, yuka.Iu5oG_rbRdcPDvSK95I_jGGnMcPhE85CMnsqog, yuka.NptPI8fbL88ZE_Txy9oF3SOiDeH_A6V3F0EKog, yuka.NrtrHOPVLvIgNceO7KMs_DGlDd7ZI6FYRXkDog, yuka.RjRRS0ZwVlF2Zllsby9NUm8wcjUzT2xlL0pTRFZGMldKZFUrSVE9PQ, yuka.U2ZBZlRwVWlqTU1xd01NenBoZjY5L2NxeDVPamRHMjJLTzg4SVE9PQ, yuka.UzdCZElKd2ZndVFqbnRnaDd6UFlwdjF5bkpta2ZsR2VOc3BCSUE9PQ, yuka.WFlZRVNJY2R0OE0xc05zQXd5dlkzY3RMK0xLSVJubTJOZTBNSVE9PQ, yuka.WHFVdk1aNCtsTjBtbE1FRTlSYm8xWWw3NHNLU1JFZVFFYmM2SVE9PQ, yuka.WjVFQVMvZ2ovK01Bc2M5ditSZU0wK2dxNUxTTFVUbm5HczRVSWc9PQ.
Product added on January 7, 2016 at 11:01:40 PM CET by openfoodfacts-contributors Non-vegan Créez votre compte.
Connectez-vous pour ajouter des produits ou modifier leurs fiches. Some ingredients could not be recognized. Common name: Pétales de riz et de blé avec morceaux de fruits rouges, Packaging: Étui:carton, Sachet:plastique, Étui, Carton, Sachet, Plastique, Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Cereals and potatoes, Breakfasts, Cereals and their products, Breakfast cereals, Labels, certifications, awards: Green Dot, fr:Ecoponto azul, fr:PAP 21, Origin of ingredients: Italie, Italie:riz, Manufacturing or processing places: Allemagne, Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:, Countries where sold: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom.
→Les ingrédients sont listés par ordre d'importance (quantité).
→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).
Crownfield Special Flakes Red Berries 425g.
Instagram. Fiche produit également modifiée par aleene, elttor, openfoodfacts-contributors, tacite, thaialagata.
Special Flakes Red Berries - Crownfield - 425g. and the Facebook group for contributors Join us on Slack:
Open Food Facts gathers information and data on food products from around the world.
Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients. Product page also edited by aleene, elttor, openfoodfacts-contributors, tacite, thaialagata.
Daily Goals.
Pétales de riz et de blé avec morceaux de fruits rouges. Non végétalien We need your help! →Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).
396 / 2,000 cal left.
Special flakes - Red berries - Crownfield - 425 g Barcode: 20206635 Ambiguous barcode : This product has a Restricted Circulation Number barcode for products within a company. How does this food fit into your daily goals? Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels. Instagram. Produit ajouté le 30 janvier 2015 à 13:30:40 CET par sebleouf
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