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list of banned pesticides in eu 2018

<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> HCH (mix isomers) 8. The countries with the most known bans are those of the EU and the UK (60 banned + 229 specifically ‘not approved’ pesticides which are Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) 1 and/or banned by another country); 2 Brazil (81), Saudi Arabia (72), Cambodia <> The Basel-based giant has a large network of factories across the continent, including in the United Kingdom and France, and it uses these factories to manufacture several pesticides, which are banned in the EU, such as paraquat and atrazine. The Basel-based giant Syngenta plays a leading role. Ironically, the main export destinations for these banned products - the United States, Brazil, and Ukraine – are the very same countries that supply the EU with food. In Vietnam, medical doctors reported over 1,000 Paraquat-related deaths every year until the country banned it in 2017. many pesticides are sold abroad but not in Europe, because the two regions have different conditions and agricultural needs. PAN International Consolidated List of Banned Pesticides. <>>> Laurent Gaberell and Géraldine Viret; data visualisation: Martin Grandjean, Unearthed and Public Eye have discovered that in 2019 nine new substances – with a total volume of 8,000 tonnes - were exported for the very first time.

Despite its immense toxicity, this herbicide is massively used in corn, soybean and cotton monocultures. PESTICIDES EU-MRLs Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 Latest MRL updates Publication of Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/1085 of 23 July 2020 amending Annexes II and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl in or on certain products (shall apply from 13 November 2020) Pesticide Action Network (PAN) has frequently been asked for information on pesticides that have been banned by countries. Chlordimeform 10. The United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium and Spain account for more than 90 percent of these volumes. Despite these facts, Paraquat exports from Europe grew about 30 percent to 36,000 tonnes in 2019, driven largely by higher export volumes to the US as well as to Indonesia, where the chemical is used in palm oil plantations. Dinoseb 7. Paraquat was linked in Brazil to numerous poisonings, Parkinson’s disease, and irreversible genome damage. Syngenta is by far the largest exporter of these deadly pesticides.

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