Även om du är van vid att undervisa så kan du behöva repetera genom att till exempel presentera inför en vän eller kollega. Call before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room and tell them about your recent travel and symptoms. For information and training on Respondus, please view the Respondus site here. studentredaktionen@liu.se Online meetings, participate in distance education, and share your screen in group rooms on campus. Tuesday, July 14, at 3 p.m. Long Island University has planned a phased return to ensure a timely reopening of the 2020 fall semester, including in-person instruction in classrooms and welcoming students in residence halls. Var medveten om vilka som deltar och vad som motiverar dem. Vi kan gå ett steg längre och be studenterna att sätta upp en extra kamera som filmar både dem och deras arbetsyta. Gå igenom grunderna först. Den generella digitala kompetensen bland medarbetare vid LiU höjdes.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin as scheduled on September 8 when the University will resume in person classes, with necessary contingencies and flexibility to guard student, faculty and staff safety. New York State has developed protocols for colleges to report new cases by campus on a daily basis, and they are also monitoring cases over specific 2 week periods. Using your existing LiU account, you can immediately start to use the tool. Learn more about Tortalk's functions on, Several of Microsofts apps (for example Word, OneNote and Teams) has built in functionality to read text aloud, Immersive Reading. Det är svårt att skapa långsiktighet i någonting vad gäller utbildningsdesign – lika väl som i livet i övrigt just nu. Användarkonto. All examination utan dispens ska bedrivas på distans, och det här betyder en stor transformation av examinationen som koncept i många fall. Lösenord Tuesday, July 14, at 3 p.m. Public Safety Find a location.
Learn more about Zoom.
The University continues to monitor, track and report positive cases to the Department of Health on a daily basis.
Monday, September 7, 2020 at 3 p.m. There is currently no vaccine to protect against COVID-19. In Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching you can download software from Microsoft for free (mostly developing tools, but also OS versions, for example Visual Studio and SQL Server, etc.). Betrakta hur andra personer gör när de undervisar. Make sure to have a headset with microphone when connecting to a meeting for best sound quality. University-related travel after the end of the semester, may be subject to cancellation. Tip 5: Always use your friends in examples! E-lärande ska i framtiden vara just – lärande. Please take note of our updated travel guidelines and policies which we have adopted out of an abundance of caution: non-essential University-related international travel is suspended through the end of the semester. University-related travel after the end of the semester is subject to cancellation. Wearing masks, gowns and gloves are all standard procedures that emergency responders routinely follow when treating any respiratory illness — such as colds, flu and other viral illnesses — and are not specific to COVID-19. Are there ways to prevent contracting the virus? Det finns examinationer som är ganska lätta att ställa om till distansläge.
free shuttle service to local train and shopping centers.
The University has been notified that a member of the LIU community, whose office is in Pell Hall/Life Sciences at LIU Post, was confirmed by the Nassau County Department of Health as testing positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). Students who may require accommodations or have additional questions should visit the FAQ page.
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