The organisers of the upcoming Mental Health Awareness Week have revealed a new theme for the week based on current events. Secret Santa is fun during Christmas but this activity is fun and can be done all year around! Mind offer a range of related training courses here.
Fancy some Craftercise?Suitable for: Groups Email: Setting healthy boundaries as a ChampionSuitable for: Individuals Could you take on 31 miles this October for World Mental Health Day? This activity looks at the pros and cons of talking about mental health at work.
Mental Health Awareness week is fast approaching and will run from the 14th to the 20th of May 2018. Use the resources in this taster pack to give you ideas for your Children's Mental Health Week lessons. Display posters around the workplace to raise awareness and create discussion.
We may be isolated, but by adding your voice to our campaign, together we can get through this. Help an audience you're speaking to to understand what it feels like to experience mental health stigma. Carry out a survey or questionnaire to assess the levels of engagement and well-being in your workplace. Experiencing mental health problems can be isolating - sharing ideas and feelings can help people to realise they're not alone. Do a fundraiser in support of a mental health charity. Stigma word mapSuitable for: Groups Update and how to get in touch with Place2Be.
Make it clear that people do not have to disclose anything about themselves unless they feel comfortable and safe to do. The new focus is on “Kindness” as the theme for 18th to 24th May. Many of the activities within this pack can be undertaken individually or as part of a group and on work social media platforms such as Whatsapp groups, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, Slack and Zoom. Due to the ways in which the outbreak has affected our daily lives, the Mental Health Foundation has decided that we spend mental health awareness week celebrating the acts of kindness that have emerged while the world has suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic. If you need support, there are organisations who can help you. Advice on how to start a conversation about mental health. Our Mental Health Awareness Week Activity Pack is full of activities that you can look to deliver, alongside resources to support the promotion of your commitment to addressing mental health stigma and the events your employees can get involved in. 020 7923 5500 Living with a mental health problem can affect how well you sleep and poor sleep can have a negative impact on your mental health. If you allow them to advertise their services the short notice may not be an issue. Sharing how you all relax after a tough day is a good way to start talking about mental health. Change the way your colleagues think and act about mental health while creating something artistically fabulous. This activity focuses on 'self-stigma', the negative thoughts we have about ourselves.
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