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Last updated on Die Zahlung kann in bar oder mit einer Kreditkarte der Gesellschaften Visa oder Master erfolgen. Schritt: Bestätigung der Unterschrift und des Siegels des Notars durch die Academy of Law. Deceased CPF / Estate Monies. It is the national water agency that manages Singapore’s water supply, water catchment and used water in an integrated way. Singapur ist dem internationalen Apostilleabkommen nicht beigetreten. The PUB corporate logo has been specially designed as one unit, with the relationship of … 3. Statutory boards (such as HDB, CPF Board, IRAS, etc) have their own recruitment and human resource management policies. + '?List={ListId}&ID={ItemId}'), /_layouts/15/images/sendOtherLoc.gif?rev=23, javascript:GoToPage('{SiteUrl}' + Sign In. For enquiries on water billing or meter reading, please contact SP Services at 1800-2222-333, email, or visit the website link below: You may submit your application online at Careers@Gov, or write to the relevant agencies directly. For the benefit of other users, please cancel or change your confirmed appointments if you are unable to make it for the meeting. 08 Nov 2019. javascript:commonShowModalDialog('{SiteUrl}'+ Where can I get a list of PUB Licensed Plumbers for regulated water service and sanitary works? Should the issue persist, please call PUB’s hotline at 1800-CALL-PUB for assistance. SP Group is PUB's agent to provide metering, billing and payment collection services. Schritt: Bestätigung der Unterschrift und des Siegels durch das singapurische Außenministerium (MFA). 10 Feb 2020. javascript:commonShowModalDialog('{SiteUrl}'+ PUB is a statutory board under the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment. Smart Nation Singapore: A better life for Singaporeans with innovative, citizen-centric services. Date: October 2021. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}', 'center:1;dialogHeight:500px;dialogWidth:500px;resizable:yes;status:no;location:no;menubar:no;help:no', function GotoPageAfterClose(pageid){if(pageid == 'hold') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION (MCI), MINISTRY OF CULTURE, COMMUNITY AND YOUTH (MCCY), MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT (MSF), MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABILITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT (MSE). Attach the necessary documents (DIP/SIP/WSP, drawings of site plan, Basement/1st storey plan, sectional, elevation, etc.).

We use cookies to tailor your browsing experience. The Ministry of Communications and Information owns the copyrights of the information found in this Directory. Things to note when booking an appointment: Click , and we will get back to you within five working days. Schritt: Die Legalisation durch die Botschaft erfolgt sofort während der Öffnungszeiten. Read More Public health strategies for responding to a pandemic: Asia-Pacific. Ausländische öffentliche Urkunden, wie z.B. Der Betrag wird zum aktuellen Tageskurs der Botschaft in SGD umgerechnet. Vorzulegen ist das Original mit Vorlegalisation durch die Academy of Law und das MFA. shall not be taken as approvals for deviations from the code of practice. Up to 3 appointments can be reserved within the time period. How can I open or close a utility account? '/_layouts/15/docsetsend.aspx' Appointment need to be made at least 3 working days (earliest up to 10 working days) in advance. Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) / Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC), Utilities Account/ Billing/ Metering (SP Group), For other SP Group contact information, including Customer Service Centres, please click. Die Vorlegalisation erfolgt – soweit der Botschaft bekannt – sofort und ist gebührenpflichtig. Auch bei der Beurkundung bestätigt der Konsularbeamte die Identität des Erklärenden, zusätzlich ist er (wie ein deutscher Notar) verpflichtet, den Unterzeichnenden über die rechtliche Bedeutung und die Konsequenzen seiner Erklärung zu belehren. General enquiry and feedback on building submission matters can be made by filling in the enquiry form. State clearly the issues to be discussed.

We thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a safe environment for all. For other water matters, such as diversion of existing PUB water mains and protection of, Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage, Water Reduction Measures During Dry Spell, Singapore Standard on Water Efficiency Management System, Green Labelling Scheme (Dishwashers and Washer Extractors), Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters Programme.

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