This setting gives guidance as to which Windows Authentication methods will be allowed and put into use.
A very common problem is when Outlook starts asking for the user credentials, even if the correct password is specified. When you connect to a Microsoft Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013, or Microsoft Office 365 mailbox in Microsoft Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013 or Outlook for Office 365, you experience one of the following symptoms: You are prompted for your password every time that Outlook starts, even if you enabled the Remember my credentials option.
First, a broad overview of the problem: a user is either prompted to change their password based on Domain requirements or they decide to change the password on their own. Outlook 2016 continuously prompt for user/password while connecting to Exchange 2016.
While initially looking into the issue, a “fix” was to completely remove the user’s Outlook profile folder (located at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook) and relaunch Outlook. Those versions have been updated to prevent the problem that is described in the "Symptoms" section. Already installed latest hotfixes and Exchange is CU14.
When the Providers window opens, add both Negotiate and NTLM as Enabled Providers.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. © Copyright 2020 SmartPath Technologies, LLC, Business Continuity Planning / Backup and Disaster Recovery, Public WiFi and Long Distance Wireless Networks, VPN – Remote Office & Remote Employee Services, Google Is Bringing Back Chrome’s Close Other Tabs Option, Three Ways to Make People Pay Attention On Twitter, Apply Security Update To Protect Against Nvidia Vulnerability, Watch Out For Facebook Private Messages That Include Videos, Data Breach Of Department Of Veterans Affairs, Staples May Have Exposed Some Of Its Customer Data. If you are a small business owner looking for computer support then it's critical that you get and read this small business advisory: An Insider's Guide to Choosing an Honest, Reliable, and Competent Computer Repair Technician. To get the issue resolved, open IIS, browse to the Autodiscover directory and select Authentication, as seen below. This worked because it created a new profile from scratch and the Exchange Server accepted the credentials. However, when the password is correctly entered, Outlook once again prompts. Immediately after changing the password, Outlook begins to prompt for the updated password. Microsoft Outlook 2016 and some recent builds of Outlook 2013 are not affected by this issue. See below. These versions have the Logon network security setting disabled or removed from the Microsoft Exchange email account settings. It looks like this: after starting Outlook successfully connects to the on-premises Exchange server (or Office 365 mailbox), the user sees a list … After these changes have been made, users simply need to close Outlook and open it back up to find the continual password prompt issue resolved. We tried every possible reg hack and GPO to manage the connection (NTLM) but nothing works.
However, this doesn’t actually fix the problem and as soon as the password is changed again the error reappears. This error is directly related to authentication settings on the Exchange Server; more specifically, related to the Providers setting for the implemented authentication method. We will only use your information to communicate with your directly, and you can remove yourself from our list at any time with one simple click. Logging out and back in doesn’t resolve the problem and neither does a reboot. When the Authentication page has been loaded, select Windows Authentication in the middle pane and then click on “Providers…” on the right pane. An issue involving Microsoft Outlook continually prompting for a user’s password after having recently made changes to the password in a Windows Domain Environment can quickly be resolved by following a few steps to verify the authentication settings on the Exchange Server.
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