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podcast analysis assignment

Should be tailored to the resources available at a given institution/campus. This relates in ways to 2 and 3 above, but it’s important to think about any places where the cast either drags or moves too quickly (and, relatedly, how the hosts/creators fix that so that it doesn’t continue). Like with many other assignments, it helps to build a library of past projects that students have created.

And as I mentioned earlier, those are going to vary from class to class. Are you interested in whether your students understand and explain complex subject-related material in their podcasts? After all, to learn to write like an expert, you need to inhabit the same mindspace as the professions you’re hoping to join. Your first analysis will be to listen to a popular podcast and write up an analysis. It’s free and well supported; you can use Audacity on any operating system, and it’s a lightweight but powerful program. But for a student, writing a way into these conversations can be a bit intimidating. A good show takes a lot of time to develop, and your students might not have months to plan out and professionally produce an episode. Mind Your Metadata: A Podcaster’s Guide to Titles and Descriptions, 24 Podcasts That Confront Racism in America, Why You Need a Podcast Audience Survey (and How to Make One), Podcasts Could Spark a New Golden Age of Investigative Journalism, What Every Audio Producer Can Learn From Avery Trufelman, Kaitlin Prest’s The Shadows Questions the Dominant Culture’s Approach to Romance. Assignment detail. Podcasting offers a low barrier for entrance into a rapidly growing site of new media composing. Anchor was initially designed as a Twitter-analog for podcasting, allowing users to generate short podcasts that could be uploaded to their feeds, but recently the application has shifted dramatically, allowing for the creation of full-length podcasts using nothing more than a smartphone. And you do depart, with the discussion still vigorously in progress.”. You come late. Don't use plagiarized sources. Find the resources that are most helpful to you and then link to them through your course management system or your class materials. When I work with students learning to write, I often rely on an analogy by the rhetorician, Kenneth Burke, to describe the process of developing expertise: “Imagine that you enter a parlor.

And there’s a few writing-related reasons that podcasting makes a great addition to any course. We often play a game in writing classes — one that asks students to start roleplaying a new identity. Again, your outcomes might differ from the ones in my class, but asking students to reflect on the choices they’ve made reveals a lot about the project that didn’t make it into the final recording. Audacity has long been a benchmark for open source audio recording software. Screen recordings don’t take much time to create, but they can quickly grow into valuable resources that you can use in the future. Demonstrate the process of recording an episode or editing the recorded material. At night, I’m a podcaster.

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