If you’re unsure of its location, check the startup parameters of the SQL Server service in SQL Server Configuration Manager, as shown in Figure 3. Alternatively, if you tried to start the service from the command prompt…. This is not something that you would ever run normally, because the previous shutdown could have left TempDB in an inconsistent state (remember, for TempDB SQL Server cannot roll transactions forward, which is part of a normal crash recovery). This time, as for when we used traceflag 3608 on its own, SQL Server starts up just fine. This lets SQL start normally and then we can simply restore model from backup. As an aside, this is the only time you’d see the “Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database ‘tempdb’” message, as recovery does not normally run on TempDB. If possible, set the SQL Server service account to disallow interactive logins.
The process as I’ve described it sounds a little more complex than it is, just because I wanted to make it clear why we needed both traceflags. The first, basic troubleshooting step complete, it’s now time to delve into the various possible causes for the failure of the SQL Server to start, and recommended solutions.
As such, logging works differently for TempDB; for this database, SQL Server cannot roll transactions forward, which is part of a normal crash recovery. For starting your services automatically, SQL Server needs an account with rights to start services during operating system start up. What we have here is a classic catch-22. However, in this case, the error log is present and the very last message in the log reads as follows: I can see from the message that I have a problem with the master database and I can direct my troubleshooting efforts there. SQL Server 2016 R Services: Executing R code in SQL Server, SQL Server 2016 R Services: Guide for Server Configuration, Getting started with R scripts and R visuals in Power BI Desktop, Automatic Updates for SQL Server Management Studio, New Drop If Exists Syntax in SQL Server 2016, New CREATE OR ALTER statement in SQL Server 2016 SP1, Advanced Techniques to Transform Relational Data to JSON in SQL Server 2016, The account that runs Launchpad has been changed or necessary permissions To prevent problems such as these, I would recommend that you use very complex passwords for the SQL Server service account, and then don’t set the passwords to expire. If we have backups of the model database files, we can equally well use those. You can find the startup parameters under the properties of the service, in the Service Control Manager application, as shown in Figure 3. There are two main reasons why the error log directory might be missing: The first hint that this is the cause of SQL Server failing to start is the lack of a new error log. That’s a clear indication that an incorrect password caused the problem! Therefore, instead of simply recovering TempDB on startup, SQL Server must return it to a known state, and the model database provides that known state.
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