Please accept marketing cookies to view this video. Specially for the presentation at the Stedelijk, Studio Drift will create the largest-ever installation of Fragile Future. In a number of cases, the applied technology is still experimental in nature. until In several recent projects, the duo specifically addresses our use of raw materials. Installations by Studio Drift are exhibited throughout the world and are represented in many international collections. Studio Drift: Coded Nature is generously supported in part by the International Collector Circle and the Curator Circle of the Stedelijk Museum Fund. To achieve this, Studio Drift uses state-of-the-art technology to stretch the boundaries of the possible. The works’ tranquil beauty invites us to pause and experience the wonder of what is unfolding – to enjoy a few minutes of stillness in our hectic, fast-paced, digital world. At the core of the installation will be Fragile Future Chandelier 3.5 (2012) acquired by the museum in 2015. At the core of the installation will be Fragile Future Chandelier 3.5 (2012) acquired by the museum in 2015. The Stedelijk Museum, in its pioneering role in the field of visual arts and design, would like to show such innovative art to the public. Like almost all work by Studio Drift, Fragile Future can be adapted to create a unique composition for any space.
View DRIFT’s artworks on artnet. Curator Ingeborg de Roode: “We’ve been following Studio Drift for many years. Placing and gluing the dandelion seeds to the LEDs is an extremely labor-intensive process and can be seen as a form of ‘slow design’. FRAGILE FUTURE A LIGHT INSTALLATION COMBINING NATURE AND TECHNOLOGY . They manifest natural processes by translating the data through technology and ‘breathe life into’ objects by animating them.
In addition to early designs, the exhibition features new, previously unseen work by the Dutch duo Lonneke Gordijn and Ralph Nauta – the founders of Studio Drift. In Obsidian (2013), presented at the Stedelijk during the 2016 exhibition Dream Out Loud, they focus on a new material obtained by repurposing chemical waste. With Fragile Future III, Studio Drift fuses nature and technology into a multidisciplinary light sculpture.The project is a critical yet utopian vision on the future of our planet, wherein two seemingly opposite evolutions have made a pact to survive.
Available for sale from Carpenters Workshop Gallery, DRIFT, Fragile Future Wall 3.9 (2019), Danedlion Seeds, Phosphorus Bronze, LED, 73.5 × 63 × 31.5 cm Studio Drift was founded in 2007 by Lonneke Gordijn (Alkmaar, 1980) and Ralph Nauta (Swindon, United Kingdom, 1978). This type of exacting craftsmanship stands in marked contrast with today’s mass production processes.
3 Jan 2021. After making its world première at New York’s Armory Show in 2017, this magical installation will be on display in the IMC Gallery at the Stedelijk. Specially for the presentation at the Stedelijk, Studio Drift will create the largest-ever installation of Fragile Future. The film Drifters (2016) and the installation Materialism (2018) go on view for the first time. Materialism (2018) involves dismantling numerous objects (such as a water bottle, pencil, VW Beetle, plastic carrier bag, electric lightbulb, LED light) into the exact amounts of their constituent materials. The exhibition was realized by Ingeborg de Roode, curator of industrial design at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, in close collaboration with Studio Drift (Lonneke Gordijn and Ralph Nauta). As a museum that has always placed great importance on both art and design, and performance, the Stedelijk Museum is the perfect venue to display this transdisciplinary work. Fragile Future offers a utopian glimpse into our future, in which the forces of two seemingly irreconcilable worlds unite in a bid to survive. Exhibition Learn about the artist and see available works for sale. Several recent works explore the paradoxical relationship between the real and the virtual world. After purchasing Fragile Future Chandelier 3.5 in 2015, we were waiting for the right moment to show the piece at the museum, together with other work by Studio Drift. Studio Drift often stretches the limits of technology with their installations. Studio Drift is represented by Pace Gallery (a.o. The result is an aesthetic, harmonious synthesis of the natural and the technical, a poetic intimation of the earth’s seemingly infinite resources and the endless possibilities the future may hold. From Carpenters Workshop Gallery, DRIFT, FRAGILE FUTURE DIAMOND CHANDELIER (2016), DANDELION SEED, PHOSPHORUS BRONZE, LED, 105 × 94.5 × 94.5 cm
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