World Water Day 2020 is about water and climate change – and how the two are inextricably linked. Discover and share Slogan Quotes. पानी की बर्बादी रोकिये,
“Caring for our Water Resources is Everybody’s Business”.
The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2008 was “Sanitation”.
medianet_crid = "705063967"; medianet_width = "300"; पीने के बाद गिलास में बचा पानी फेके नही, उसे बचा कर ढककर रखे और बाद में पीये.
तब सब करेंगे विचार गंभीर. The main symbol of the World Water Day celebration is the shape of water drop of blue colour. 24.
The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2003 was “Water for Future”. 16. जितना हो सके उतना बचाएं. The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2015 was “Water and Sustainable Development”. What is World Water Day? 22.
The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2006 was “Water and Culture”.
जल समस्या का यह प्रथम चरण है. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Environmental damage, together with climate change, is driving the water-related crises we see around the world.
Billions of people are living without access to safe drinking water right now. The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 1993 was “Water for Cities”. दुनिया का करीब 70% हिस्सा पानी से ढका है लेकिन कुल पानी का बस 2.5% ही पीने योग्य है.
इस कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से हर व्यक्ति को जागरूक करना ताकि जल संरक्षण हो सके और सभी को साफ़-स्वच्छ जल पीने को मिल सके. Don’t waste so much water that it becomes petrol.
medianet_crid = "449103689";
4. 10. इन्हें जरूर पढ़े.
Today, 2.1 billion people live without safe drinking water at home; affecting their health, education, and livelihoods. जल को ऐसे व्यर्थ बहायेंगे,
The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2019 was “Leaving no one behind”. The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2013 was “Water Cooperation”.
तो कल अपनी प्यास कैसे बुझायेंगे. हर व्यक्ति की यह जिम्मेदारी है कि पानी का फ़िजूल खर्च न करें. A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man. The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2020 would be “Water and Climate Change”. It is celebrated by organizing variety of events and activities such as visual art, theatrical and musical celebrations of water, excursions to the local ponds, lakes, rivers and reservoirs, symposium at local, national and international level over water management and safety, distributing messages through TV and radio channels or internet, educational events based on the importance of clean water and conservative measures, competitions and so many activities.
The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2018 was “Nature-based Solutions for Water”. The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2007 was “Coping with Water Scarcity”. Don’t waste so much water that it becomes petrol. The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2007 was “Coping with Water Scarcity”. “On World Water Day, 22 March, we release the 2020 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report.
Drink water to live and do not live to spoil the water.
बच्चे, बूढ़े और जवान, जल संरक्षण है सबका काम. पानी का हमेशा करे सम्मान, तभी बनेगा हर देश महान. Conserve water; every drop counts. Satisfy someone’s thirst today because it is world water day.
The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2005 was “Water for Life 2005–2015”. How many drops make up an ocean?
The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2016 was “Water and Jobs”.
जिसका मुख्य उद्देश्य सभी देशों में स्वच्छ एवं सुरक्षित जल उपलब्धता सुनिश्चित करना और जल संरक्षण को बढ़ावा देना. World Water Day is Observed Annually on March 22 to Raise Awareness About the Vital Importance of Water to Safeguarding Human Security and Maintaining the Health of the Planet’s Ecosystems. 20. पानी बचाएं. Save water and save life on earth.
The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2004 was “Water and Disasters”. medianet_height = "250";
तभी तक सुरक्षित इंसान का कल रहेगा.
The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2000 was “Water for the 21st century”. 5. You never know the worth of water until the well runs dry. क्योंकि “जल है तो कल है.“.
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6. The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 1996 was “Water for Thirsty Cities”. किन्तु क्या वह इतने पानी को बचाने का प्रयास करता है?
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