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vscode floating terminal

The "app" is an OS-specific container that instantiates/orchestrates these processes. no feature or workflow requires that you use them), so I don't see how it's a bad UX choice, even from the viewpoint of folks who don't want to use them. It would be ideal to have this for some text editing as well. @Hypernut I'm not a VSCode team member, nor do I speak for them. How to create a floating window in VSCode extension? I really hope this won't be implemented, focusing on a single window, streamlined, editing focused UX is a strong advantage of VSCode, not disadvantage. for issues would be great! Finding a relevant comment from a team member is difficult given the 363 comments above. Also there was some amount of discussion on Multi Window coding (original suggestion of Ctrl + K, O to open a new window), so I thought I would just clarify that part here for all the people looking for that feature. Add a reaction to the original post and that'll be enough, no need to comment out the dreaded +1 comment. They seem to be dodging the question about it being a limitation of electron and whether or not they are actually ever going to be able to do it sadly. But for me ergonomically very uncomfortable and tiring to a degree that makes me leaving it be again. : The Backlog-Link ( here in the right panel does not work?). It feels insane to be stuck on just 1 monitor for code editing, especially when I'm working on several files simultaneously. @WNemencha I'm assuming the team doesn't want any unnecessary dependencies. Hey VS team, PLEASE implement this feature. anyone with a multi-monitor setup who tries to drag an editor tab out of the window has felt the pang of disappointment seeing it pop back where it came from. Will it has this feature next major version? How can I customize the tab-to-space conversion factor? This would not be movable outside of that WebView but at least you can freely position it within that. While they work, they also cause a system "invalid key" sound to play due to an issue in Chromium. Any estimates when VS code could be capable to do this? +1. I'm not defending the VSCode team or anything, just acting on my belief that complaints/etc. I am not sure why the delay? I'm thinking on changing from Sublime Text to VSC and this limitation is the only thing which keeps me using both of them, I'll certainly be more inclined to VSC once you guys add this! Dragging and dropping tabs in the list will rearrange them. For now I have to manually resize window to fit my two monitors (red line is edge of monitor) which is not comfortable. For instance, open the directory for your app in one window, and the 'public' folder in the other window. I want to be able to open files into a new window (for example to put on a different monitor or a different virtual workspace). I use Code in one monitor and my browsers and emulators in the other screen. I am sure the demand suddenly came into existence "last December". To use the runSelectedText command, select text in an editor and run the command Terminal: Run Selected Text in Active Terminal via the Command Palette (P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)), the terminal will attempt to run the selected text. Come to think of it, the absence of floating windows (like VS proper) is my only real problem with VS Code. Wish GitHub would make it more obvious with a +1 button at every post than the +[Emoji]. Each terminal has an entry with its name, icon, color, and group decoration (if any). You could then open any tabs you need in this new window, or if you just want to have the debug console here you can maximise it to fill the window. @hellboy81 @belst My bad, I thought you said VS Code. Currently I'm developing a game where you can practice and apply your programming skills to automate all kinds of machinery in challenging environments. It was the Language Server Protocol that attracted me to VSCode in the first place. How? It feels insane to be stuck on just 1 monitor for code editing, especially when I'm working on several files simultaneously. See @D1no's illustration above (click to scroll up). In additional window we have to hide unnecessary UI parts but also disable updating other app areas on files change or shortcuts. Some statuses involve animation. macOS: Select the word under the cursor and show the context menu. This feature is overdue and critical for productivity with multiple monitors, how many replies do you need to add this feature to scope? All I can see is bunch of folks happy to +1 some random feature with huge design implications (and bunch of hate for anyone having different opinion). It is certainly lightweight when you don't install 1000 plugins. When GPU acceleration is enabled, custom rendering, rather than the font, improves how some characters display in the terminal. I used Visual Studio as my primary editor for about 9 years, and then switched to VS Code after moving to a front-end-only project team. These will open the system browser at that location. If VS code's UX functioned like atom's I would make the switch. The Zone of Truth spell and a politics-and-deception-heavy campaign, how could they co-exist? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Right now I have to open a new VSCode and manually reopen the file. The world isn't perfect, make the best of what we have and get the job done. With a little luck, It could be a very simple change in the VSCode main window. This behavior is baffling to me. Im pretty sure there are good reasons why its not yet started. Some developers use VS Code as a standalone terminal by opening a new window, maximizing the panel, and hiding the side bar. Ill chime in along with the comment above truly this is my only problem/feature wish for VSCode. Some features have taken 2 years from when they reached prominence to when they shipped. From my understanding, the team would have to change lot of the infrastructure to make this work. It is unfortunate that the issue author has the priorities so ass-backwards, but I can't believe nobody at Microsoft has seen this ticket at some point over the past year, recognized the immense value in being able to drag an editor tab from one window to another (your Visual Studio crowd has been doing this for decades) and made this happen by now. You can open your terminal in a few ways. I think it would be a good option to expose on the right-click menu for the active tab and/or items in the Open Editors document explorer. Wouldn't it be possible to launch a new window, and do communication between the parent window and the child via the webContents API? So this isn't something that is in the catagory of; "Oh, I never thought of that!". Quite often with the full Visual Studio I'd drag out a tab to my other monitor so that I could view two code files at once. This missing feature is the main reason I cant use VS code. each window has its own process and its own JavaScript context. If not having this feature truly prevents you from using VS Code then you are free to contribute a pull request that implements at least some of the required changes to get this working. This is the last piece we are missing as others have said from a full move from other editors. Xcode allows for multiple windows for a project. Some prompts like Starship and oh-my-posh show things like git status and work with most shells, so they're a good choice when starting out. For example: If you wanted to open a project folder in VSCode, its easy with the command prompt. Imagine: You get in a taxi and tell the driver your destination. But I don't understand why we need multiple node.js instances for multiple windows? (electron = chromium + APIs to access underlying OS features), What if you could init vscode in some mode, "extension mode", for example, this is the ONE thing about it that i really don't like. There is still the challenge that the one window is not really aware of the other window. Is it because no devs are currently enlisted to work on VSCode ? Sometimes you watch the output or enter some commands in terminal. Since, chrome creates a new process for every tab. Good news - this has moved up to #13 in feature requests sorted by upvotes. At this point, it is the missing feature that is keeping me from using VS Code full time. The terminal.integrated.cwd setting allows specifying a custom path to open instead: Split terminals on Windows will start in the directory that the parent terminal started with. The default terminal profile shell defaults to $SHELL on Linux and macOS and PowerShell on Windows. It means that if we would like to have something from VSC UI in additional window, then we have to load all application there and hide unnecessary parts of UI. This feature ensures that text is readable regardless of the shell and theme used which is not possible otherwise. I can't get it to work (on 1.11.0-Insider). Select WSL Bash (NOT Git Bash) from the options. and our To be honest I am often using VS Code by opening files and not folders. Open Visual Studio Code and press and hold Ctrl + ` to open the terminal. 2 years since it was requested. Floating tabs/editors is a must especially when working with dual monitor setup. They are also putting out a new grid feature. This works pretty nice for me :sweat_smile: Which means what exactly? Obviously you can work around it by opening specific files in a separate (ctrl + shift + N) Visual Studio Code instance, but it's definitely something that should be addressed as soon as possible. Is there an estimation for when the top 3 features will have been implemented? +1 IDEs included. Required, not a nice-to-have for people with multiple monitors (tabs). Hover the icon to read status information, which may contain actions. Hmm, I don't appear to have this functionality in latest macOS - does it need to be enabled? "Ctrl + K then O" I still don't get it why you are against it. As a result of this issue, I have moved on to contributing to Language Server Protocol support in Eclipse instead. terminal.integrated.fontFamily: The font family to use, this takes a string in the format that fontFamily in CSS takes. VSCode team, please please please put this higher up on your list! @bpasero maybe we should lock this issue for comments, because we're over here arguing about taxi drivers , Sorry if I'm wrong, but there some kind of support for multiple windows: I can't get it to work (on 1.11.0-Insider). I use vscode to work on a large c# solution, specifically, 19644 c# files. Thanks for the reply. Why? FWIW, I use 4 monitors side-by-side. To be helpful -- what would be useful to me is not just being able to open files on multiple screens, but being able to dock any kind of panel anywhere in the IDE (including popping them out to new windows which can be moved to new screens). Not having it is a deal breaker. The workaround (open new window and drag and drop your file from the current workspace/window to the newly opened one) is OK but I have no access to the workspace itself; different settings, no access to other files in the workspace, etc. This feature would perhaps require extension developers implement some interface if they want their extension windows to float. Look through the comment history and youll see a post from (IIRC) less than 8 months ago saying Only X more votes and this will be in the top 10.. When applications running in the terminal turn on mouse events mode, such as Vim mouse mode, mouse interaction is sent to the application instead of the terminal. I have little doubt that VS Code team must realize this is a - nuclear level issues - so obviously they have a major architectural flaw that they simply can't address. Like others who mentioned it in this thread, multi-monitor coding kinda requires detachables. And some one who has a good ways to solve it? EDIT: Comment link here: I give up. @bpasero @aeschli is this a feature that you'd like to get and review as a pull request? I would love to see the ability to detach the console (and other parts of the editor) and push them across to a separate screen allowing me to get the full real estate of my main screen for writing and reading my code when I'm working somewhere with multiple screens/. Toggle some bits and get an actual square. I'm a bit disappointed that it was never a design consideration from the Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But let's stick to giving unrelated examples, accusing others of being hipsters coding on top of trees or whatever makes you guys feel better. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. I just know about it, since that is one of the main reasons why React v16 portals are so useful.. I'm not an Electron guy of any sorts, but I've tinkered around with it a little bit. There is certainly ways of communicating between windows, even if they live in separate processes. Terminal selection can be forced by holding the Alt key on Windows and Linux, this can also be done with the Option key on macOS but requires enabling the terminal.integrated.macOptionClickForcesSelection setting first. @napalm684 Good point, nevertheless I think this is not a problem in Electron (, but with VSCode architecture itself ( Just clutters up the stores, makes them harder to maintain. -- My typical setup has me opening code files on the first two of my screens, and having a control panel of all the useful "status" panels docked on the third screen. That said, this is ONE of the big reasons I can't use VSCode for debugging. Only 150 more and it'll be in the top 3! Otherwise we would end up opening a heavy browser window with own context that contains only the UI pieces we want to show, which seems like the wrong direction. @Deltatiger I will look for solution for some simple FloatingWindow API and will share with you here if I create something interesting on my fork. They will get back to us when there is a further update. You wait a minute, confused why you're not moving and ask, "can we get going?" I am not sure why the delay? @algiuxass Same here. I would suspect this implies some heavy rewriting of a bunch of core features. The first thing to try is to disable GPU acceleration, trading off rendering speed for DOM-based rendering, which is more reliable: See the GPU acceleration section for more information. That doesnt help AT ALL with the actual problem of being unable to have stuff like debug inspector or terminal/output and so on on a second screen. Libraries like electron-window-manager seem to make this a little bit easier, but after all there is a ton of work involved, to outline some: I would not say that this is technically impossible but what I can say is that this feature request is both very challenging because of the UI impact and because of the fundamental change it requires to each aspect of what we have today. Once your terminal is open, you can open VS Code from it by typing $ code . That's why it is my default for a small screen (i.e. But a bit of a warning: keep in mind vscode is mainly a text editor! Back on track now Just my 2 cents @Krzysztof-Cieslak By the same token, Chrome shouldn't support popping a tab out into a new window. I totally agree with you. Output_ How do I collapse sections of code in Visual Studio Code for Windows? I know that it is OSS. It's possible to open additional BrowserWindow instance but it require HTML file on load. I also just found issue #8171 seems to be exactly what I want. You are receiving this because you commented. Word links: This is the fallback link type and uses the terminal.integrated.wordSeparators setting to define word boundaries and make nearly all text into words. If this is distracting the animation can be disabled with: When the terminal's bell is triggered, a yellow bell icon is briefly shown. Whether bold text uses the normal ANSI colors or the bright variant can be configured with the terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors setting. OK, glad to hear that. Sorry for the bad English, btw. When dragging a tab outside of the window, it either displays a and doesn't let me drop, or, when dropped on top of a Windows Explorer window, it copies the file @CherryDT This issue is still open and marked as Backlog. VsCode is a great IDE, but the lack of this feature in 2018 when we all have multiple monitors is just embarrassing. - leaf_yakitori. I can see no progress on this feature and few years past. I think 8 months are more than enough time to at least give us a hint on what to expect. What is the best way to show one file (with unit test) on the left monitor and the second file on the right monitor? By default, the terminal will open at the folder that is opened in the Explorer. Even more, the windows are all equal, fully functional windows, meaning you can open a second window and close the original project window and you still have a full project window. @Nepoxx You are here just to give thumbs down opinions and comments from people. What you should not do is whine and try to guilt trip the great team behind VS Code into feeling bad. "You can currently see 3 files, one vertical panel (debugger, git, search, explorer) and horizontal panel at the same time", nice try, but you know what I mean, I mean a maximized window with a CSS file in one monitor and a maximized window with HTML in another one that's far better than having a lot of uncomfortably panels in the same monitor. 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