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old marlburian deaths

In 1985 they moved to West Wales where he became Vicar of St. Brides-with-Dale-&-Marloes. In 1973, John transferred to the bar. He is survived by his wife Jacqueline and son James. We spent many summers together in Font Romeu in the Pyrenees from where came many of our shared friendships and which led on to unforgettable big championship experiences. The First World War Archive. Under Patrick and Nick's leadership, the group diversified into contract printing and became a leading publisher of the UK underground press, printing such avant garde publications as the International Times and OZ Magazine - which was the subject of an obscenity trial in 1971 for the publication of a highly sexualized Rupert Bear parody. 19 September 2010 Richard Buchanan-Dunlop (C3 1932-38)) died peacefully in his sleep at his villa in Skiathos on 19 September 2010. His courage and tenacity was recognised with the award unusual for a soldier of a DFC. All possible avenues of treatment were explored, but it was not to be. Those wishing to attend, please email Angela Leap to ensure there are sufficient Orders of Service and refreshments afterwards. The ship had developed engine trouble and had turned back. Email: Physically large from the age of 13 he played as hooker for the 1st XV and a southern county whilst still in his junior years. He chaired Stirling Universitys Court for eight years and was made an honorary doctor of the university in 1992. His paintings were exhibited in galleries from Suffolk to Singapore, and were widely collected, especially in the 1970s and early 80s.Richard was fascinated by, and hugely knowledgable about, his family history, and there was nothing he loved more than showing family memorabilia to visiting researchers and enthusiasts. Whilst at Marlborough, he excelled in Boxing and was infamous for being picked up by his housemaster as he was hitchhiking back to school from Swindon where he had just caught a movie. His final appointments included Assistant Adjutant General to the Commandant General Royal Marines and Director, Pay and Records Royal Marines. He undertook many Government studies which contributed greatly to the development of the country from its feudal conditions in the early days after Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said deposed his father in November 1970 as Ruler of Oman and continued until July this year when he returned to the UK for medical treatment. He retired in 1987 after a distinguished career in which he made major contributions to the practice, teaching and administration of medicine in the region. A retired clergyman in his village wrote these words, "His life was gentle; and the elemetns so mixed in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world, 'This was a Man!'. The weather grew hotter and hotter. Robin Brodhurst (PR 1965-70) died January 2023. He and his wife did the same work, though less frequently, for Barnardos in Glasgow, The Child Migrants Trust in Nottingham and the Catholic Child Welfare Council. The magazine text is fully recyclable. It could have applied to any of us and this pastoral side of the job is fulfilling although we are told judges are not keen on deathbed wills. An open exhibition in modern languages (German & French) to St Johns College Oxford followed where he obtained his degree. His long-standing interest in church history and architecture, together with his calling as a Lay Reader from 1987, led to him becoming Chairman of the Bath & Wells Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches for seventeen years, helping churches to repair and reorder their buildings. Sadly his last few years were marred by the onset and progress of Parkinsons Disease. Service of thanksgiving at St Dunstan-in-the-West, Fleet Street, on Friday 17th February, at 11.30am, following private cremation. The company was based in Aberdeen, sourcing and placing high quality personnel for the oil & gas industry which took her all over the world. The housemaster summoned him back but that was the end. He obtained what was then a big grant from the Joseph Rowntree Trust to study the impact of the 1957 Rent Act which had given unscrupulous landlords such as Peter Rachman the incentive to terrify and expel tenants who had enjoyed controlled rents.He worked as a consultant for the UN Economic Commission for Europe, surveying housing policies. He later became Secretary to IAPS, where he had a distinguished tenure. As a result of this, a couple of inferior German landscape paintings adorn my childrens playroom walls with greetings to the Fuhrer on his birthday in 1936 and 1938 except they have the wrong date. A fine cricketer, hockey player and golfer, Peter played for the XI in 1952-53, subsequently playing Minor County cricket for Wiltshire and Surrey 2nd XI. He loved the Devon countryside and the activities it enabled him to indulge in making cider, planting trees, felling trees, chopping logs, bonfires. Almost throughout her time she played in the College orchestra and was an indomitable member of the Choral Society. In fluid dynamics, he also gave his name to the Ursell number, and made major contributions in the field of asymptotic theoryFor full obituary please visit The Telegraph obituary pages more, Lord Maples, who died in June 2012, was Economic Secretary to the Treasury from 1990 to 1992, and later joint deputy chairman of the Conservative Party under John Major and deputy chairman under David Cameron. Neil loved history and liked politics, geography, maps, reading, music and travel. The Harrow Association was founded in 1907 to enable Old Harrovians, wherever they are in the world and whatever they are doing, to maintain lifelong connections with the School and with each other. Henry John Furniss Potter, always known as John, has died aged 93 on 17 February 2019 at the Somme Nursing Home in Belfast.He was born in Ilkley, Yorkshire, on 4 July 1925, following his father, uncles and older brother, David, into C1.Following Marlborough, John enlisted, aged 18, in the Royal Artillery in Belfast in 1943 on a University Short Course at Queens University, Belfast. A friend of ours who didnt know Geoffrey served as a juror in a trial some years ago. For general enquiries, please email the Development Office or call on 01672 892385. All his life he collected and catalogued: photographs, postcards, coins, stamps, sermon notes, visitors guides to places he had been to - and threw away nothing. He was approached by a young Dutchman from the Resistance demanding to know why they had stopped as the Germans had just left the neighbouring town of Boxmeer. This was April 1946 nearly one year after the German surrender. He trained in Canada and, after passing out top of his course, was posted to Bomber Commands Pathfinder Force, an unusual appointment for someone with no operational experience. At the time, this was a fledgling common law set under the headship of John Rankin QC. Known as something of a daredevil on Fleet Street where he reported for The Times for two decades and for The Daily Express Hopkirk had spent his career chasing stories from Cuba to Beirut. Evelyn Ebsworth (B2 1946-51) was born in Richmond, Yorkshire on St Valentine's Day, 1933. He was answerable to my future godfather and nightclub king, who styled himself Major Peter Davies of London and Alexandria. Retirement brought him back to Wiltshire and they settled in Devizes. In doing so, Reeves injected a mix of character, wit and charm into a previously traditional industry an enthusiasm for innovation which also led him to champion underprivileged young people. Father was apparently sitting on the roof at Widdington in Devizes. He took on this challenge, always against the clock, every day for nearly 70 years and woe betide anyone, be they wife, child, colleague or pupil who interrupted this morning ritual. He was in the Marlborough School first tennis pair and was a fine schoolboy boxer. old marlburian deaths. Tony Dale died in Salisbury suddenly on 12 November, aged 91. At the outbreak of the Second World War, Eagles was serving in the cruiser Sussex and took part in the hunt for the German pocket battleship Graf Spee in the South Atlantic. He served at St Johns Episcopal Church, Edinburgh from 1979-87 and again from 1990-95. Pat was highly regarded by all who knew her and a true professional at all times, a very caring person and a great support to her Housemasters Martin Evans, Bob Sanderson, James Rothwell and Neil Moore. Tragically, Annabel herself was diagnosed with terminal mesothelioma just days after delivering a moving eulogy to Blossom in St Mary Abbotts Church, Kensington. According to Geoffrey, who was never shy about telling a tale against himself, the case was called on, Geoffrey stood up and had been addressing the court in a nervous falsetto for 4 minutes when LCJ leant forward and bellowed tetchily Is there anyone here representing this man?This was but a temporary set back and Geoffreys career flourished. Robert was amost talented Director of Drama from 1970 to 1990, having acted as Head of English from 1968-1969. His good manners aided his advocacy , which was good because of his innate self-control. In his now classic accounts Foreign Devils on the Silk Road and Trespassers on the Roof of the World, he expertly evoked the lives of the fanatical archaeologist-adventurers who dug up and carried off the contents of ancient Silk Road libraries buried beneath the desert and the mapmakers who illicitly scaled ice-clad Himalayan peaks disguised as horse-traders or religious men.There was always more than a touch of John Buchan about Hopkirk. John Bateson (CR 1973-98) died suddenly on Tuesday 16th May. Woodbury always had open fires from September until April. He then followed the itinerary of his boyhood hero Kim from Lahore to Varanasi and into the Himalayas, speculating on the models for Kiplings characters in Quest for Kim: In Search of Kiplings Great Game. LARRY Hickey (SU 1978-83) died on Tuesday 5th June aged 54. Richard slipped away very peacefully after a short illness and will be sadly missed. These ranged from The skins waterproof! when we were heading out for a 10 miler in the pouring rain, to Running is supposed to add to your enjoyment of life, not detract from it! when there was a clash of priorities between a scheduled training session and an important family commitment. Nick Dorey (PR 1972-76): Running became an inclusive club under his coaching, with pupils of all ages training and socialising together, whatever their abilities. They saw their grandchildren grow up, and were able to visit them in Ireland, Canada, and the Falkland Islands. A legendary athlete Bruce might be, but he was also a man of many parts: he could carve an excellent sonnet; he could read history and science with almost the relish he reserved for the novels of Patrick OBrian; he could discuss any aspect of media interest; his taste for music was catholic and while small talk was not his forte, he could stun with sudden humour, pith or wisdom, sometimes even when he seemed to be dozing. Father liked rolling tanks but his parents would not have known. Neave Brown (C1 1945-48), who has died aged 88, was the architect of what is widely considered the finest housing built in Britain in the last 50 years. He then had a spell as a lecturer at Toronto University (1953-55). He joined 1st Kings Dragoon Guards seeing action in the Western Desert, Italy, Greece and Syria and left the forces as a Major. Whether they saw the talent in Martin and recommended him to Marlborough, or advised him to apply, I know not, but he arrived at M.C. His duties ranged from supervising the clearing of the Glasgow slums during the Binmens Strike of 1979 to acting as ADC to HM The Queen, when she was in residence at Balmoral. Whilst hurtling down the slide, he would wave his umbrella to the astonishment of spectators below. The target was at the extreme range of the 5.5 guns and involved using Super Charge giving them a range of 18,000 years.Meanwhile, whilst John and his Troop were in Razmak, the 1st Indian Medium Regiment had moved to Bihar and the Troop followed, having handed-over its guns to a Pakistani Medium Artillery Troop. He was also an extremely talented photographer. He was very knowledgeable about the form and he tried to tutor me in the art of understanding it all. The military liked immaculate and disciplined men like my father but he was due to meet a completely different collection of individuals. A solo sailor in his junk-rigged boat, Sulaire, he went where the wind took him. The story of when he ordered a Rolls Razor washing machine to be delivered to Preshute for one Absalom Smith is both legendary and true. After commanding the 23rd Light AA Battery and R Searchlight Battery in Egypt, in 1943 he became second-in-command of the 1st Heavy AA Regiment, based in India. Martin quickly established himself as a thoughtful, innovative teacher of physics, and role model, always incredibly modest, and the most approachable of mentors; held in high esteem by students and colleague alike. A full obituary will follow but in the meantime you can read more on The Times website (you will have to sign in to read it). An avid fisherman, scuba diver and sailor, Shaw once landed a 280lb Queen Mackerel, one of the largest ever recorded, whilst skin diving off the waters of Hong Kong in 1979. He was the Chairman of Scottish Opera from 1987 to 1993. He had a group of older boys clustered around him names like Nick Dorey, Guy Russell and Chris Upton who formed a close-knit and devoted training unit. As this happens let us hold in our memories all Janets qualities of intellect, musicality, humour and friendship and let us remember her as she was in the lovely photograph that graces the cover of the Order of Service. Mr Jennings his housemaster remained a lifelong friend. The Club engages with the wider College community, including pupils, parents and staff, who are able to attend certain Club events. Bill was a Founder Member of the Marlborough Brandt Group and later became its Chairman. He had a thoughtful, elegant style, never forceful but achieving his successes by measured eloquence. When I was only in the Shell I was invited by Bruce to join them training on Wedgwood. From there he returned to BAOR as DAAG Headquarters Rhine Area in Dusseldorf, where he was able to indulge his love of opera by regularly attending the local opera house. They met at the home of the Finzi family, where Jeremy was a frequent guest, and were married in 1966. Mike Bayon, born April 30 1922, died May 29 2014Click here for the full obituary courtesy of The Telegraph website. PDRA Princeton NJ 1958-9, with DF Hornig and J Weil.Evelyn was University Demonstrator at Cambridge from1959-64 and Lecturer from 1964-7; Fellow of Christs College, 1959-67; tutor 1964-7. His piano teacher was M.O. This was curtailed by the onset of dementia, initially at home and for the last three years as a resident of Bradbury Court in Malvern. Despite the unrest, Sharman and Co continued to publish, print and distribute newspapers, tossing bundles of papers over the back wall to hidden vans and making their getaway while the Flying Pickets blocked the front gates. Richard Hartley (C2 1945-50) died December 2022. He followed his father and brother to West House School in Birmingham before winning an open scholarship to board at Marlborough College. He then tried to guess which was which. Ordained Minister. His travels through Asia resulted in six books and he was arguably the leading 20thcentury expert on the region. He will be remembered for bringing people together. Understated sometimes, wrongly under-valued, but conscientious to a fault. It wasnt all plain sailing, we all have our set backs and for Geoffrey one came very early in almost his first case in the Crown Court. She survives him, along with their four children, Michael, Nick, Christopher and Caroline. 13 March 2011 Ian Barton (C1 1939-44) was born in 1926 and died on 13 March 2011. A full obituary will appear in due course. Robin de Beaumont (LI 1940 - 44) died on the 3rd February. In recent years he criss-crossed the globe, for instance spending a weekend in Chile whilst on the way to New Zealand and South-East Asia.However, at the core of his life was his family. From when he was a boy, watching the fighters flying from RAF Duxford a few miles from his home, Bayon had wanted to be a pilot. When a half holiday marked the marriage of Princess Marina to the Duke of Kent, his future mother-in-law took him and his friend John Robinson, later Bishop of Woolwich to see Eddie Cantor in Roman Scandals (a breach of the college rules). His knowledge of French and German enabled him to become a war crimes investigator from the age of 19 to 22. Behind the easy laugh and twinkle of an eye was a steely personality and a person determined to do what was necessary for the best. Janet had to deal with a multiplicity of demands, mostly from the Heads of Departments. In 2000 she married the writer Andrew Barrow, who survives her with their son. He was also in the Officers Training Corps before serving as a sergeant in the Home Guard. A Memorial Service will be held on Monday 8th October, at 3 p.m., at St Columbas Church, Kilmacolm. A colleague said: Write exactly the same way. He was in A1 and then B1 whilst I was in Turner with the eccentric Hugh de Weldon. Getty Images. His father was the local Church of England vicar. With no previous experience in catering, Reeves set about drawing top chefs from China, Thailand, India and Italy to his unit on a Battersea industrial estate. Our last meeting was in May last year, when we gathered at Janets house. Twenty-eight years of friendship is a wonderful bond and all these players have suffered a grievous loss.After this it is fitting that you will hear Purcells Fantasia number 8 which was one of Janets favourite pieces. Alan Brooke Turner, CMG, diplomat, was born on January 4, 1926. Platitudinous now, perhaps, but highly controversial then.He was a member of the Public Schools Commission, which was charged with answering the question: What should be the future of the public schools? When it reported in 1968 in an economic crisis, no one was much interested in the answer. Quite a feat! He had taken up boxing at some stage in his childhood and carried it on, representing Oxford and thus gaining what is known as a Boxing Blue. Although the region was still largely closed except to strictly monitored tour groups, Hopkirk became adept at seeking out individuals with recollections of key events and personalities: Whenever my minders backs were turned I would sneak off to find where key events in the Great Game took place. He was sometimes accompanied by Kathleen, his third wife and an author, who did much initial research and helped with inquiries in Peking, Tokyo and Delhi.His second book, Trespassers on the Roof of the World, published in 1982, concentrated on the increasingly frenzied at times lunatic attempts by Europeans to reach Lhasa, the Forbidden City, and to achieve domination of the huge Tibetan plateau. He served the Defence Surveyors' Association for thirty years as treasurer as well as cooking, arranging flowers that he grew, working on and opening his garden under the National Gardens Scheme, designing gardening quizzes, doing embroidery, including a multitude of church kneelers, local history, supporting the University of Surrey and returning to talk at RMCS, Shrivenham. For those OMs who knew her, Robert Smith has added the brief address which he gave at her funeralmore. 12.00 Colin Cooke-Priest sadly died on 6 April 2020 at age 81. Robert Michael Carr was born in London on March 5 1920 and educated at Marlborough. In retirement Roger did not reduce his activities. He followed his brother Tony Davies (C3 1943-48) to Marlborough College, before going up to St Johns College Oxford to read classics. Professor Colin Trodd . His brother, Guy (PR 1934-1939), nephew Peter (C3 1969-73), niece Alexandra (CO 1974-76) and nephew Patrick (C3 1980-85) attended Marlborough, as did his great nephews and nieces: Matilda Kay (EL 2002-07), Arthur Kay (PR 2004-09), Benedict Kay, (PR 2006-11), Daisy Kay (EL 2009-) and Ami Jackson (MM 2012-). He immersed himself in many musical activities and was particularly involved with the Yehudi Menuhin International Violin Competitions where he frequently acted as a Russian Interpreter. Francis Richard Bedwell (C3 1941-1945), son of Francis Christopher Bedwell (TU 1969-73), died December 2022. After university he joined the army, almost immediately suffering the accident that almost cost him his life and meant that he required constant care. The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that August signalled the Japanese surrender, ending, he observed, a cruel war.

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