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sirius is harry's biological father fanfiction

Rest assured that if I ever hear that derogatory word for a Muggleborn uttered from your mouth again while you are at school, you will spend the rest of the year in detention with Mister Filch." Sorry for the questioning, but I find this request to be somewhat vague and I'm not sure what you are trying to find from it. I should have done it immediately after you were sentenced to Azkaban for life. Eventual Fem!HarryxTonks, Site: [][139873577080928:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 34 | Words: 283,196 | Reviews: 1,185 | Favs: 2,890 | Follows: 3,631 | Updated: 8/6 | Published: 12/6/2015 | id: 11653847 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Family | Characters: Harry P., Sirius B., N. Tonks, Narcissa M. | Download: [EPUB][139873577080928:epub] or [MOBI][139873577080928:mobi] [139873577080928:site]: [139873577080928:epub]: [139873577080928:mobi]:, FanfictionBot1.4.0 | [[Usage][1]] | [[Changelog][2]] | [[Issues][3]] | [[GitHub][4]] | [[Contact][5]] [1]: "How to use the bot" [2]: "What changed until now" [3]: "Bugs? Read to see what happens when Harry finally has the change for a real family. Can't remember name though. A little bit broken, Hermione has to navigate a brand new life she didn't want, to help someone who didn't deserve it. Hexes burn. You're one sick, brilliant fucker, Seratin. Only once and it didn't go well. ", "But Mother! Professor Snape is delivering Mr. Malfoy to his mother as we speak. He spoke with an aristocratic and gravely voice, "I, Arcturus Sirius Black III, Lord and Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, being of sound mind and body, hereby proclaim my last will and testament. a radiant white cat appeared, "Director Bones, your presence is needed immediately at Gringotts, an innocent person may have been locked up in Azkaban.". Harry, Ron and Hermione hadn't figured out who the Heir of Slytherin was and due to a mistake by Hermione with the Polyjuice Potion, she was now in the Hospital Wing for the next week or two. She was also kind and caring but Sirius Black managed to get und 'Everything is fine Harry looked at the parchment. Enter them here!" "Dora just started at the Auror Academy.". If they were married by Family Magic, and as Lord Fleamont Potter married them I would guess they were, then he is innocent. She is honest and fair, she will take an unbiased approach to his case." Said McGonagall. Furthermore what would cause Lily to cheat on James and what aftermath do you want to see? Cygnus was a marked Death Eater, and as the eldest male line descendant not disowned was Arcturus' Heir at the time. Harry and McGonagall joined five other people as they followed the goblin into a room off the lobby. Dumbledore's mistake was forgetting that Sirius is still a Black, a Black who was trained as a pure-blood heir to one of the most ruthless and ancient families in the wizard world. It would be just his luck to find out that he had a relative alive only for them to turn out to be a murderer. Malfoy sneered at Snape's side, "What are you doing here?". Then the Tri-Wiz comes and the deepest, darkest secret of the Marauders is revealed - Harry was born the daughter of Lily and Sirius. Chapter 2: You come, only to go by Ghostwolfsbane [Reviews - 1] (2371 words), 3. The story follows the happiness and pain of the Black brothers, as they try to be parents to little Harry, and at the same time, solve all the issues between them, and with their complex love lives. What makes it more fun is that Sirius's child with Lily is a daughter, so Harry is essentially two children of three parents with one soul. by Ghostwolfsbane [Reviews - 1] (4115 words), 4. October 2nd! Harry doesn't know that, though, until he goes to Snape. Since the imprisonments and deaths of over half our family, I have had much time to think. Severus files that away for later ruminations. "You're guilty by association" It would be totaly OOC why the hell James would STALK Lily for centuries if he likes Dicks. Chapter 11: Just tell me you didn't know by Ghostwolfsbane [Reviews - 2] (4739 words), 12. Best friends with the Weasley twins, he finds himself always getting into trouble, but this year is going to be different. She nodded her head at him. Abandoned An older woman with curly brown hair and a girl who looked like she was just out of Hogwarts with neon yellow hair nodded their heads. Harry in canon gladly accepts Sirius's fatherly attentions, because he knows there's nothing sinister about them (save perhaps the "James-clone" issue), but how would he react if he learned that Sirius is actually his father meaning he betrayed James's trust all the same, meaning Lily cheated on his father? and our Several years have passed since the post-war events, and everyone is focusing on building their renewed lives and families, but moving on is never easy. Not even the leader of the Order of Fried Chickens himself. Obviously the reason it was private was because it was a polyamorous marriage, which hadn't been seen in many years, but the question is why did they keep it secret?". Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Loving Snape Tags: Child fic The two girls find themselves Severus had always believed that romance wasn't for him. Site: [][139791265273784:site] | Category: Harry Potter + Grimm Crossover | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 7 | Words: 22,944 | Reviews: 45 | Favs: 171 | Follows: 261 | Updated: 6/13 | Published: 5/20/2015 | id: 11262032 | Language: English | Genre: Supernatural/Drama | Download: [EPUB][139791265273784:epub] or [MOBI][139791265273784:mobi] [139791265273784:site]: [139791265273784:epub]: [139791265273784:mobi]: ", "Very well. Eventual Fem!HarryxTonks, Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 34 | Words: 283,196 | Reviews: 1,299 | Favs: 3,583 | Follows: 4,419 | Updated: 8/6/2017 | Published: 12/6/2015 | id: 11653847 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Family | Characters: Sirius B., Narcissa M. | Download: EPUB or MOBI, FanfictionBot2.0.0-beta | Usage ffnbot!ignore. These new revelations test Harry on his path to find who he is and his role in the world. [4]: "Fork me on GitHub" [5]: "The maintainer". All of the characters belong to JK Rowlings.] (Just don't tell anyone). We do not need to go any further back. He was amazed that he could have put an end to the insults and drama that resulted in being around Malfoy so easily. For if he had betrayed his husband and wife, the Family Magic would have retaliated and killed him. In which Remus accidentally bumps into a girl in a hall and she mouths a Thank you tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. I doubt he is sincere as Draco has insulted my friends and family many times as well as myself, Lady Malfoy." The Christmas holidays were coming to end. McGonagall grabbed a handful of Floo Powder from a vase on the mantle of her fireplace. What if instead of meeting Dumbledore at the train station, Harry met Death? Harry wondered if his mother had ever scolded him in public. Rated T for explicit language and heavy topics. At all.}. Crack Fic. I will therefore be accompanying you to the Will Reading." As the Heir, he had access to the Family Magic. Regardless if he is the Black Heir or not, he is Lord Potter. [4]: "Fork me on GitHub" [5]: "The maintainer". Father: James Fleamont Potter-Black, Sirius Orion Potter-Black III, Mother: Lily Elizabeth Potter-Black ne Evans, Paternal Grandfather: Fleamont Henry Potter, Orion Arcturus Black III, Paternal Grandmother: Euphemia Laurel Potter ne Ainsley, Walburga Irma Black ne Black, Paternal Great-Grandfathers: Henry James Potter, Julian Matthew Ainsley, Arcturus Sirius Black III, Pollux Castor Black, Paternal Great-Grandmothers: Elizabeth Eleanor Potter ne Fleamont, Victoria Margaret Ainsley ne Bones, Melania Melody Black ne MacMillian, Irma Louise Black ne Crabbe, Maternal Grandfather: Harrison George Evans, Maternal Grandmother: Violet Rose Evans ne Michaels, Maternal Great-Grandfathers: George Edward Evans, Albert David Michaels, Maternal Great-Grandmothers: Elizabeth Katherine Evans ne Dawson, Rose Lily Michaels ne North, Magically Sworn Godfather: Francis Harfang Longbottom, Magically Sworn Godmother: Alice Melinda Longbottom ne McKinnon The Devaux Family were well respected and adored celebrities in the wizarding world. Son of Potter, Daughter of Black by DaSalvatore, Harry felt he had lost his chance at family after watching Sirius fly away only for his godfather to show up during the summer. "And I'll make sure Merlin knows it." "I agree with Andi. Work Search: For more information, please see our - Merlin The Dark Lord thought the punishment of watching me suffer under the Cruciatus Curse instead of Lucius was more entertaining and more painful to my husband. 'Everything is fine When your hand is resting next to mine Next to mine You're the fire and the flood.' ~~~ Everyone k. Discontinued "How does it feel to be the daughter . You know nothing of the War. It did, but at the expense of your sister. It looked good, but yeah, hasn't been updated in more than a year, so I don't want to read the whole thing. An elderly woman with a vulture on her hat startled and nodded her head quickly, bringing a handkerchief to her eyes. sirius is harry's biological father fanfiction. Somebody really needs to invent a dreamless sleep medicine in the muggle world thanks to this one. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Don't buy drugs, Become a Rockstar and they'll give you for Free. The House of Black formally apologizes to the House of Longbottom for attacking it's Lord and Head of House. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I Love You by Ghostwolfsbane [Reviews - 3] (3053 words), 17. "Lovers married with Family Magic would share a bond. Harry internally groaned at the thought of having to attend this with Malfoy (but didn't voice his displeasure out loud as he doubted Professor McGonagall would be pleased). Will follow canon as much as possible, but due to storyline, canon will be disrupted. ", "As I am your Head of House here at Hogwarts, I am what is known as in loco parentis. With Lord Potter's approval, we shall conduct a simple Heritage Test. (Only a slight crossover with The Worst Witch but enough that I felt I had to add it). 'Pranks and Perverts and Padfoot, oh my!' We got drunk one night and made love. The House of Malfoy, as a lower house, is subject to primacy of the House of Black under the old laws. Chapter 4: Surprise, surprise, he's escaped by Ghostwolfsbane [Reviews - 0] (3568 words), 5. Follow the story of Elizabeth Evans, "girl-who-lived", daughter of Severus Snape as she goes through her first year of Hogwarts. Haroldine Potty. Harry James Potter is the son of James Potter and Lily Evans Potter. She believed there was more than the small life that Pe "I'm in love with you, Nova Lily," Harry said softly as he caressed her cheek with his thumb delicately. We have much catching up to do." Cursed vaults, secret cabals, and mean professors were now in her past. Sigh. He got caught up in his magic, his flying, and his endless adventures. "I agree with Augusta," Professor McGonagall pulled out her wand and said, "Expecto Patronum To Madame Amelia Bones." For why I want something like that: I'm scraping the barrel. Would he still want anything to do with Sirius if Sirius had kept this from him? Draco drawled with a smirk, "Even if he is a Black, which he's not, he's not pureblood and he doesn't even know the traditions or that the Wizarding World has titles. Chapter 3: Summer, Where am I? Thanks! Chapter 5 CLICK HERE! She's also the twin of Severus and both are best friends with Lily Evans, the redheaded spitfire. I can't find it, though. Sirius soon finds out, that life alone with a kid isn't always simple. Said Dora. He gets taken to Heaven where he meets up with his family and learns that his mother was the Marauder bicycle, routinely having foursome sex with all of the Marauders (less Peter--poor guy never gets any nookie). For a fee, of course. "Sirius is the rightful Lord and bonded by marriage to the House of Potter. I doubt my successor will be so kind, so think wisely. Ah, I have a rec if you'd be ok with James not being gay but having the same outcome. I was supposed to go to Diagon Alley and ended up in Knockturn Alley. I'm your older sister, I would have protected you. Parent commenter can delete this message to hide from others. He cares only for pain. Chapter 9: Am I really leaving home? It is an impenetrable charm so long as the one person who knows, the Secret Keeper, doesn't tell anyone. esim bertragen apple watch; lapd police officer 3 salary; beide im grundbuch einer zahlt McGonagall conjured a handkerchief and wiped her eyes. She gazed about the room looking for someone before setting her eyes on Harry. Brandon Dursley was raised knowing who he was and who he will be - but not quite. AU,eventual Slash. Welcome to the last book of their journey. 1. I know plenty of guys who look exactly like their fathers. Lily used a ritual to transfer the Wesen side that Sirius wanted to be rid of, and Harry was conceived during the ritual. If he had two fathers, why hadn't his other father taken him in when his pare - James and Lily - died? Once it is cast, everyone who knew of the secret would have it wiped from their memories. Now, he wasn't usually an eavesdropper, but they were talking about is godfather. Chapter 12 "Why - why didn't my other father take me when my - when James and Mum died? Voldemort's attempt at possessing Harry had a different outcome when Harry fought back with the "Power He Knows Not". A canon rewrite that details the story of a broken family reunited. Chapter 3 A Crypto Investment & Asset Managment Company Chapter 6: Welcome Home by Ghostwolfsbane [Reviews - 0] (2707 words), 7. However, everybody is shocked to see that it states in bold 'Harry James Black', and under the parents' section, it states Mother: Lily Evans-Potter, Father: Sirius Orion Black. TW: Thoughts related to depression and all that goes with it. "He obviously has enough for the Lordship to pass to him. "Silencio." Summary: Set the summer after the Order of the Phoenix; only Sirius did not die. Jinxes flash quick. Said Tonks, bouncing in her seat. "You are named in the Will of a recently deceased Wizard. Canon compliant until "The Half-Blood Prince". Put your arm around my waist.". If he had to be a Slytherin and unleash the Black Madness for that to happen, then mote it be. If Harry was the Heir to the Blacks, did that mean he wasn't a Potter? Given who it is, I am not sure why but all named parties or representatives of the named parties are required to attend in order to execute the Will. ", "I don't understand, I'm a Lord with a title? one piece voice actors who died. Humor. ", Professor McGonagall closed her eyes and sighed heavily, "I'm afraid that I wished you would never hear of this. In such uncertain times, there are few facts that everyone knows. I also seem to remember skimming ahead and seeing Harry getting it on with his mother at some point,,,,,,,,, Nicholas; handsome like his father, also a prankster, is going into his third year of Hogwarts. Harry nodded. his mother was the Marauder bicycle, routinely having foursome sex with all of the Marauders (less Peter--poor guy never gets any nookie). "You will stay silenced until you learn to hold your tongue, my child. Sirius was publicly asked to become the Secret Keeper for James and Lily. What if he never knew? Apparently, she wasn't sure until Harry was born just whose child he was. "But how can I have two fathers? "Let's not dwell on the past, sister. How would he take that? 12. graphic cred: @bellsabub things fall apart chapter 10 quotes. ", "Then you will Floo with me. But there is a completely reasonable and logical explantion including how Harry's mother didn't cheat, Lily isn't his mom but actually is, and Dumbledore is quite senile. Chapter 10 Then the Tri-Wiz comes and the deepest, darkest secret of the Marauders is revealed - Harry was born the daughter of Lily and Sirius. That's the plot. Malfoy looked shell shocked. Your parents - that is, James and Lily, - were hiding from You-Know-Who under a spell known as the Fidelius Charm. As the two forge a path ahead, the mistakes of their youth are cast aside and they learn the one immutable truthtrue love never dies. I intend to take it.". Lord Potter, please accept my apology on behalf of my son. Chapter 7: Memories lost, and memories found by Ghostwolfsbane [Reviews - 1] (3720 words), 8. 3 letters from Lily, betrayal, secrets, memory loss, more memory loss and backstabbing friends. Son of Potter, Daughter of Black by DaSalvatore, Harry felt he had lost his chance at family after watching Sirius fly away only for his godfather to show up during the summer. My name is Major Jasper Whitlock, Confederate Army. We will test the bloodlines of both Heir Malfoy and Lord Potter to see who has the right to inherit the Lordship. I have no idea what he would have done to me but I doubt it would have been pleasant. "I insist. What if Harry changed his Fate without losing himself and those he cared about? Just sayin. They were already targets of the Dark Lord, perhaps they kept it secret to keep a larger target off their backs?" ", "You didn't know?" Asked Lady Malfoy, "I seem to recall rumors of an extravagant wedding between James and Lily. He isn't mistreat AKA: Percy Adopts Everything Sirius has been in Azkaban for a long time. What will this change? As the two forge a path ahead, the mistakes of their youth are cast aside and they learn the one immutable truth..true love never dies. Sirius gave the Secret to You-Know-Who, which how He located your parents and killed them.". "It's nice to meet you officially, Auntie Narcissa." And it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you. Petunia wasn't Lily's only sister. Lily and Severus reconcile after her marriage to James, beginning an affair that will have long-lasting consequences. ~ y/n, let's play roblox. Although in all honesty, anything with Sirius as Harry's father seems very unlikely than anything Severitus. It can be done without cheating: Maybe they were in a polyamorous relationship and didn't care who was the biological father. "In regards to that, I bequeath a trust fund of 50,000 galleons to Nymphadora Astrid Tonks. He knows that his godson needs him and no one is going to stop him. You will both need to prick your fingers with this knife and allow the blood to flow onto the parchment.". ", "James and Lily didn't have a public wedding. Hermione Granger had always been the perfect little know it all. You got it close for the Rise of the Wizards; the sequence of events you mentioned does happen, but it occurs in Harry's dream. ", "I agree with your assessment but why are you helping? Harry got caught up in the brilliance of his life for a while. Harry had been told his parents had been murdered when he was a baby. "It's not our first official meeting, my dear niece. sirius is harry's biological father fanfiction. where is the serial number on vera bradley luggage. WinterWolf-99. "I can talk to my mentor I guess." While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "We will be traveling via Floo, have you used the Floo before? left kudos on this work!

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